For what seemed like hours, my mother and I spent on the phone it was only really a few minutes until Zayn returned from the campus. "Where are you going to be staying?' My mother questioned. "Should Brian and I wait for you both at the airport?" She questioned.
"The department paid for a hotel actually." I explained.
"But still, I want to see you. It's been a while now." She said. "So, Brian and I can see this Zayn guy first hand." My mom stressed. "Taxi service here is crazy, you know LA taxi here is crazy." She explained.
"You're right." I admitted. "I'd appreciate that very much mom." I smiled through the phone.
"Send me the flight info through text and Brian and I will be there the day of." She says.
"Thank you so much mom." I said. "I have to go pack now, see you soon." I said.
"Ok baby, see you and Zayn soon." She said, before the line went silent, hanging up the phone as setting it to the side.

I sighed as I tried to process everything that was going to happen in a matter of a day or so. Zayn and I would be off on a plane to the states, meeting my parents and everything. I ran my hands through my hair and I sat there silently. As I stood up from the sofa, and I walked began walking towards the bedroom to begin to get my things ready to pack in my suitcase.
Suddenly I heard the sound of keys and the door handle twist, and I turned around to see Zayn walking through the door, with a plastic bag in his hands. "You're back." I said and he said nothing. Confused at his silence I approached him. "Is everything ok?" I said.
He said nothing and approached me suddenly he pulled me towards him and pressed his mouth against mine so suddenly causing my eyes to widen at the sudden contact. His mouth invaded mine and we stood there against each other mouth to mouth, as he nearly devoured every breath I had, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.
He pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine, as he still held me in place. "You're so good to me." He whispered. "I don't deserve you." He admitted closing his eyes shut, I frowned at his choice of words, he seemed to be reaching a breaking point.
I cupped his cheeks with my hands and caressed his skin with my thumbs. "Why are you saying that?" I whispered back. "Are you ok?" I hummed. "Did something happen?" I pecked his lips.
"No." He said with a small smile. "It's just something, you need to know." He admitted. "You could have gone for anyone else, for fucking Adam god sakes." He said. "But instead you fell in love with me." He whispers. "Out of all people, me." He stresses. "I am the least person worthy of it-..."
"Don't say that." I stopped him running my fingers against his lips nodding my head sideways. "I know you father is a sensitive topic but...what happened to you in your life is not your fault." I assure him.
He said nothing else and pressed him mouth against mine. "I love you Selena." He said and those words coming from his mouth surprised me. "I love you like I have never loved anyone." He said pressing him mouth against mine. "You're the only good thing I have in my fucked up life."
I said nothing else and I smiled at him meshing his mouth with mine, to only pull him closer to my frame, he grabbed me by my thigh and before I knew it I had my legs wrapped around his waist and he walked us towards the bedroom. Once we reach the door he kicked it open, and he walked us in. Letting me down on the bed he hovered over me as his lips made contact with my neck, I bit my lip and moaned at the contact.
"I want to." I whispered against his neck and he pulled himself away to look at me for assurance.
"Are you sure about this?" He whispered.
"Please." I said pressing his mouth against mine. "Yes, I'm sure." I nodded my head. "I've never been more sure in my life." I said to him.
Zayn had confirmed everything for me in this moment. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. He had confessed that he loved me, and much as I loved him and there was nothing more I wanted that to be with him. Maybe the timing wasn't right, but I was right about this moment. The burning flame and sexual tension was always there. It was just a matter of time in which, Zayn and I wanted to ignited it further.
Zayn sat on the bed and I climbed on top of him as our lips collided with each others. The hunger of lust and love mixed together controlled out actions. I pulled his shirt over his head, to see the canvas of tattoos his body held as he went to pull my T-shirt over my head leaving me in a bra. Zayn looked at me with awe as he trailed his mouth with kisses down my chest as his hands unclasped the bra that I wore and slid the straps down my arms.
My hands slightly trembled nervously as I tried to unbuckle his pants, and pulling them down. I felt Zayn's hands trail up my back sending shivers up my spin causing my skin to grow goosebumps. For the first time, I sat fully exposed to Zayn and he glanced up at me as he took one of nipples into his mouth, and circling the warmth of his tongue around the nub. I moaned tossing my head back at the contact. "You're so beautiful, baby." He whispered.
He flipped us over, now he hovered over me and I trailed my hands up his torso, while he got rid of his pants tossing them on the ground while he leaned down to kiss my neck and pulling down the leggings that I wore, along with my panties, to connect his hand with my sex. I moaned at his cold fingers, and slightly arched my back to meet his.
He tore down my leggings along with my panties and tossing them on the floor of the room. With the covers now pulled over us, he reached over to the nightstand and pulled open the drawer. He showed me a small squared packet. "Are you sure?" He requested my consent.
"Yes." I said in a whisper.
In seconds, he pulled down his briefs and ripped open the squared packet, as he kissed me on the lips, and before I knew it he had put on the condom. "Ready?" He said glancing at me and I nodded my head.
I slightly spread my legs and he hovered in between them, slowly entering me I winced at the slight pain. He cooed sweet nothings in my ear as he positioned himself. "Slow please." I warned him.
He began to move slowly inside of me and I couldn't help but moan at the slow contact of how good this felt. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me and ran my fingers down his back, nearly imprinting my fingertips at his how slow movement. The want for him to move faster, tempted me as it was all painful at the same time. Tears began to form in my eyes, and I whimpered at how good he felt. Noticing he kissed my cheek and ran his fingers through my hair to ease my pain. "I've got you baby, it's ok." He whispered in my ear as I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"This feels so good." I moaned. "Please don't stop." I whined at the torturing slow movements as the pain began to ease up. "Faster please." I whispered.
"Are you sure baby?" He pecked my lips.
"Yes please." I nodded my head up and down.
His movements began to get a bit quickly as he grabbed ahold of my hip with one of his hands, and be began to really move inside of me. I moaned, arching my back at how good the contact between us felt. My closed my eyes tightly as my mouth opened slightly as the friction made between both our bodies. He rested his head next to mine, and he groaned as he sped up, now as he was nearly pounding into me. "Baby." He moaned. "You feel so good." He said breathlessly. "Around me, so perfect." He said.
"Don't stop.'" I whined. "Please don't...stop." I moaned.
He now moved inside of me at a rapid pace, as he laced his hand in mine and we held onto each other tightly, while his forehead pressed against mine. "I love you so much." I said breathlessly.
He nodded his head and pressed his mouth against mine as the hunger for each other consumed us. "I love you so much." He whispered and caressed the nap of my neck in his hands, running is fingertips against my collarbones. "So beautiful." He said. "You are." He said and I pressed his mouth against mine.
I tighten myself around him as I was on the edge of coming, and he sucked on the skin on my neck, thrusting into me repeatedly as I moaned and clung onto him, with his hand clenching mine tightly. I can arching my back as he came right after me, as his thrusts became sloppier and sloppier by the second, falling onto my body as we were both breathless of the high we had chased together.

Zayn and I laid against each other naked and under the sheets, his hand in mine as he played with my fingertips. "Selena you know that I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you right?" He said kissing my forehead and running his fingers through my hair.
"You've said this a thousand times." I tell him. "Zayn I know." I said scooting up to him, with the blanket wrapped around me, cupping his face and caressing his cheek with my thumb.
He takes my hand from his face and holds it in his bringing it up to his face to kiss my fingertips. "I just don't want you to ever doubt me." He admits. "Promise me that nothing will ever change the way you feel about me." He insists.
"I promise." I smile. "Don't ever give me a reason to." She reminded me. "I have something to tell you though." I said sitting up and clinging the bed sheets to my body.
"What is it baby?" He smiled running his fingers up my arm and caressing my skin.
"I told my mom about us." I flat out stated. "I had no other choice, we're going to be there in the matter of hours and it just wouldn't make sense if I showed up there with you and-.." I rambled on.
"Hey." He smiled. "It's ok." He confesses. "I'm not exactly the kind of guy you'd take home to your mother but-.." He lifted his shoulders in honesty. "You're the kind of girl I'd take home to meet my mum." He admitted.
I smile. "My mom is a straightforward woman." I begin to tell him my mother's attributes. "Speaks what's on her mind, and doesn't hold back either." I nod my head sideways.
"My father was a pretty straightforward guy too." He begins.
I sat up to listen to him attentively, was he going to tell me about his father? I think now after everything that happened today, he would be comfortable enough to do so. We had been intimate at all levels, it would only make sense. I did my best to listen to him, and not judge him. He had his reasons to dislike the man, after all.
"As a child you're suppose to have this image of your father, to be like your hero of some sort?" He explained. "A man you te suppose to look up to? Or something like that?" He chuckles. "That all stopped when I was nine or ten?" He explained. "I never saw my father happy to be around his family afterwards." He said as he glanced at me. "He was either always gone, working, or drinking." He said.
I leaned closer to him and I caressed his arm, kissing his shoulder as his explained to show him that I wanted to ease whatever built up tension he had inside of him about his father.
"You know I stopped calling him dad after the age of ten." He confesses. "It was always father, afterwards. Or James." He said his fathers name. "James Malik." He chuckled at his name.
"Why?" I whispered.
"He's done damage only a father could do." I admitted. "There was things a child wasn't suppose to see a father do, you know?" He rambles on. "I think the drinking made him angrier than he already was." He explained. "While my mum stood in the crossfire of it all, dealing with his fucking ass." He says. "He was violent and angry when he was drunk, he was one of those drunks." He explained. "As much as I try to preserve the memory of my father ever being good to us." He nods his head sideways, as his eyes begin to get watery. "I-...I can"t"
I lean over and press my lips against his cheek. "Zayn is ok, you don't have to tell me more." I try to stop him before he says anymore.
"I'm ok...promise." He says, taking my hand in his. "Sometimes I worry I'll end up being the exact same copy of my father." He explains once again.
"Zayn you aren't responsible for any of your fathers problems or mistakes." I try to make him understand my point of view. "He himself is responsible for the hole he found himself in." I explain. "You have nothing to do with that."
"I know." He says. "I've always known that, thanks to my mum." He smiles. "She's the strongest woman I know." He says proudly. "Putting up with me as a teen wasn't easy, at that point I was reckless." He says carelessly. "I didn't care, and maybe it was because I didn't have a father figure to look up to." He admits. "So when I found out he tried to go through Jackie to get closer to me, it angered me." He data clenching his jaw. "How low could he get at that point? That you couldn't face me like man, and tell me the truth from the beginning, instead you had to go through someone who had nothing to do with our problems." He says. "I hate him Selena." He says looking at me with tears running down his eyes.
I quickly reacted to wiping the tears from his face with my thumbs and embracing him tightly, wrapping my arms around him and holding him tightly for a good solid minute.
"I hate everything that he is." He whispered near my ear.
"Stop please." I whisper pulling away, as my voice grows small afraid that I might cry with him as well. "Don't do this to yourself anymore." I smiled trying to hold myself together.
"Selena." He said. "This isn't some fucking up love story between you and I." He confesses. "In which the good in your life somehow saves my fucked one." He says. "I just need assurance that I'm doing everything right, in mine." He smiles.


 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦  «Zaylena»Where stories live. Discover now