Between A Door (D.O.)

Start from the beginning

D.O. noticed the room that had its lights on in the entire hallway 'Maybe I can ask someone for directions there.' He thought and walked up to the door

He slowly turned the knob and peeked his head through the door "Excuse me, but does anyone know where to get to the-"

His words were interrupted as his jaw dropped when he saw you in the middle of changing into your dress. You turned your head to the figure as you covered yourself with the dress.

"Byuntae!" You screamed

"I-I-I-I'm so sorry!" D.O. replied as he quickly shut the door behind him. His face was already burning hot, so he rubbed his cheeks to try to lessen the heat.

"B-But have you have any idea where the runway is occurring?" He asked you through the door

You didn't see his face, so you thought he was just the camera man to shoot photos of the models "U-Uh. . . Yeah. It's on the second floor." You answered

D.O. smiled even if you couldn't see it and bowed in front of the door "Thank you so much miss! And by the way, you look really pretty. Good luck!"

Your face reddens as you zip up your dress "Did you. . . See me naked?"

His face was heating up again as he cleared his throat "N-No! Of course not! I mean your face, and the dress, and your hair, and. . . and. . . Uh, Thank you so much again! Bye!"

D.O. ran across the hallway, and went up the stairs to the second floor. You stared at the door, as if he was still there and smiled to yourself "What a strange camera man. But he is very sweet."

At The Runway. . .

D.O. finally took his seat between the two other judges and they greeted him smiles and waves. As the crowd saw him, screams and cheers began to fill the area as D.O. waved back at them.

"What took you so long, Mr. Do?" One of the judges asked

D.O. replied with a smile and rested his chin on his hand "I got lost on the way. But I met a really nice girl in the middle of it."

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The host said as all eyes were on him "We will now begin the runway!"

The crowd cheered as music started playing and models started walking here and there. D.O. desperately tried to find you, ignoring kisses and winks from some of the models. Finally, you caught his eyes, wearing a gorgeous raven gown, smiling and waving at the people. The crowd cheered loudly while D.O. just stared dreamily at you.

"So you like Model #143?" One of the judges asked him.

D.O. ignored her comment and continued at stare at you "I love you. . . "

The judge shot him a confused look and scratched the nape of her neck "You only saw her and you're in love with her already?"

He finally realized what she said and turned his attention to the judge "I-I mean 143! I-It means I love you! Yeah. . ."

After the show was over, models began returning the clothes and dressing up in their casual attire.

"I think D.O. noticed me!" The same model from earlier squealed "We had eye contact for a second!"

"I bet he smiled when he saw me blow a kiss at him!" The other one said

You heard their conversation and forgot all about D.O. You focused on having fun with the crowd and constantly kept thinking about the nice camera man who you met on the way. Before you could you anything, squeals and screams filled room the as D.O. entered.

"Oh my gosh! It's D.O.!" The mean model squealed "I'm such a big fan of you and EXO and-"

"Oh I'm sorry, excuse me miss." D.O. replied as he just walked pass through her just like that

You didn't want to be noticed by him, so you tried your best to hide your face and busy yourself with packing your things while sitting on the floor. All the models' eyes were on him as they watched where he was going. As you turned around, you saw a pair of shiney shoes right in front of you.

"Hello miss." D.O. smiled, looking down at you "You looked great at the runway today."

Whispers of jealous models filled the room as you immediately stood up and did a 90 degree bow "Hello Mr. D.O.! It's an honor being at your presence!"

He laughed and bowed as well "You don't. . . Recognize me?"

"Of course I do! You're D.O. from EXO!" You replied

D.O. shook his head and smiled "Hey, I didn't get your name."

"I-It's ______ !" You blurted out

Suddenly, D.O. moved closer and closer to your face as you desperately tried to move back. Your face reddens as he stops in a mere 2 inches distance.

"You know, you look a lot prettier when we're not talking between a door."

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