• Epilouge 2 • {GOOD}

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"You took everything from me." My dad hisses. "You took my home. My power. My family. You betrayed me. You betrayed all of us." He doesn't brake eye contact. He's staring right through me. He nods what I'm thinking. He's looking for my weaknesses. But I'm not afraid of him.

"It didn't have to be like this." I tell him as I stare back at him. "You could have had Phil come live here. You could have respected when I said I didn't want your life. But you didn't. So I did what I had to do. Elizabeth is a good leader. Better then you or I could ever be."

I detect sparks or anger in his voice.

"You gave up your blood, who you are, thousands of years of your life... for a boy. A stupid, not vampire, not even good looking boy."

I take a threatening step forward. He doesn't move. "Phil Lester" I say in a slow forceful voice, "is an amazing, extremely hot, extremely smart, human boy" I say and I shove him. "And he is my husband, and the father of my daughter."

"How dare you adopt a stupid human child."

"She's only five dad." I say simply. Three months ago Phil and I adopted a baby girl. Her Name is Emily. She's got adorable blonde hair with

"Give her time to grow and understand things before you judge her so harshly. Like you said, she's just a human."

"She isn't even that cute." He says bitterly.

"Dad. You need to face facts." I tell him. I thought I would be upset at him but up be fare I betrayed him and pretty much the entire nation. Nobody sees it like that because I was always the under realm golden child. Most of the population loved me. "You aren't king, but Elizabeth still let you on counsel with her dad, and she still let you live n the castle. You didn't loose anything real other then the title of being king. And I know that's important to you but there was no way to live as your son and in London as my daughters father. And you weren't letting me do that. So I'm sorry but I had to do something."

"You're a disappointement to me. And I'm sure you're a disappointment to your mother." He says. His words are like acid that burn through me. My mom has always been what he talked about to turn me against humans and she's been what he talked about to get me to do things and work harder. But he lied about all of that. I remember her from that dream. Her long hair and that ring...

It's slipped onto my dads finger.

"You have grate grandmothers ring." I say as I touch it and examine it on his finger. Its been there forever but I didint know it was my mothers grandmothers. He glares at it.

"You can have it. Your mother is as dead to me as she is in real life." He says. He harshly laughs a bit and then he takes off the ring and tosses it to me. How can he make such cruel jokes about her death. That's my mother and the love of his lousy life.

I smile at the ring and slip it onto my right hands ring finger.

"I think you should leave." He says firmly. "I don't want you hanging around here anymore."

I nod.

"I will go. But I want to make peace with you first. I want my daughter to know her grandfather." He looks confused. "I'm sorry. I still love you and you're still my dad. You always will be."

We make eye contact. It turns out I'm awful at reading facial expressions. Mind reading was always a good power to have.

"Should we get lawyers and make a peace statement?" He asks me. I laugh and then I realize it was genuine.

"No. Let's just hug it out and say we're good. I say. He nods. He pulls me into a hug. It feels good. I have my dad back. Of corse, I know that we will never be the power hungry evil dueo we once were, but he will always be my dad.

I have grandmothers ring, a daughter, a husband, a house, and a career.

Two years ago I would never have seen my life here. But life is crazy. One day I was headed to being a king, I was on top of the world and I knew what I wanted. the next thing I knew the world.a so had know was shaken up by a blue eyed human boy and I was locked in a dungeon to die.

Now people watch me try to be funny on YouTube where I post skits and tell stories. Also, remember that blue eyed boy I mentioned earlier that shook my life around? yeah. I get to wake up every day next to his warm shirtless body and his fringe of midnight black hair. Not only is he my husband but he's also the father of my 1 year old daughter, Emily Anne Grey Howell Lester. She's named after my mom Anne grey, and Phil's mom, Emily.

Two years ago family meant power. Money. The throne. My mom.

Now it means so much more. It means Emily, Dad, Megan and Elizabeth. It means London, YouTube, and the weirdos who like to write and draw me and the post them on the internet.

But mostly it means Phil. Because that's what Phil is. Phil Lester is my family.

The end.

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