• Chapter 13 • The Crowning

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Trigger warning? I don't know. This chapter dan has to drink the vampire consoles blood to become king so if you're Squamish about that stuff you should skip over that part. I just a warning before it starts and at the end. I'm really sorry it's gross but I didn't know what else to do for an initiation so I just wrote this and yeah. I'm sorry. To make up for it there's a cute love scene before it.

"Dan what's your plan!" Elizabeth demand angrily as I put on a tie. Today is the day it's finally happening, I'm going to be crowned king on my 225th birthday. Elizabeth just acccusingly points a finger at me and continues angrily blabbing. I only half listen. "We have been married for two fucking weeks and you haven't shared a single word about this 'plan' of yours with me and you also take up way more then half of our bed!" She snaps as she nudges me. I roll my eyes. It's been two weeks as a married man and I'm already hating it. I'm not attracted to Elizabeth at all and I want to marry Phil instead.

"Well you take up all the blankets." I say bitterly back as I flat iron the curls out of my hair. It's such a long process and it hate Doug it every day. I must waste at least twenty minuets a day getting out every curl.

"Yeah because you take up more then half the bed!" Elizabeth says. I'm clearly aggravating her. "I fucking married you. You probably don't even have a plan. And this is just revenge on Phil or something." She says as she crosses her arms over her chest and glared at me as I tighten my tie.

"Today, Elizabeth." I say as I look at myself in tears mirror. I look alright. As I study myself I pretend not to notice Elizabeth looking at me and waiting for more. After making her wait for about ten seconds. God I love teasing her. She gets so upset. Phil always teases me and doesn't let me tease him so I'm taking every moment I can to tease my wife. "Today is the second step to my three phase plan"

"So the first was marry me. The second was to become the king? Tell me what the third is before I fucking make you!" She says as she starts to tighten my tie, unpleasantly choking me, at the point of her finger. "Tell me dan. And I'll stop." She says angrily. I just start to pull on her hair by pointing at it.

"Hey!" She snaps as she grabs it protectively. I just laugh.

"Danny wins again!" I taunt playfully. She glares at me. I think we can both officially say that we hate everything about being married to each other.


All morning the buzz has been about tonight. My royal coronation. My dad, king of the under realms for over two thousand years, is stepping down. He is trusting me. I've been sitting in a damn chair for two hours getting my makeup done and my hair re straightened as my dad blabs to me about how proud he is. I almost feel badly that I'm going to be betraying them all within a few short weeks.

I've been dying without phil. I miss him. I miss him cuddling me at night and I miss him hugging me as we sleep. I miss his ocean blue eyes that have a hint of green, and a sparkle of gold. I miss the day that I asked him to be my boyfriend...

The starts are shining and we are sitting in the Forrest where we first met, and I tangled the vines around his leg. We are sitting in the clearing I first spotted phil in, only now the snow is melted and there's a small patter of rain. we brought umbrellas and I insisted that we sit in the fresh spring grass.

"You look tired." Phil says softly as he takes my hand in his. I'm sort of zoned out and half asleep as I look up at the stars.

"Yeah I am" I say. I'm really tired. I've been staying up all day studying for school. I'm sort of cuddled up into phil because it's sort of cold. I'm wearing his jake the dog sweater and some skinny jeans I borrowed. Sometimes I forget how often I borrow his clothes.

Dan and Phil • Vampires • Phan (compleat) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt