• Chapter 14 • Kisses

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"Phil ohmygod" I say as I see phils cold, probably aching body sleeping on the floor. He must be in so much pain from sleeping on that bench for the past 21 days. His skin looks awful, translucent even. You can see his collar bones perfectly through the thin layer of skin covering them, and and you can see his ribs where his shirt has slipped up a bit to show his stoumach from his sleeping pose. It looks like he's been starved and he's on the verge of death.

He's reaching throug the bars on the gate and holding megens hand, Elizabeth is already working on waking up Megan. All I can think about his how disgusting and evil my world is. How dare they lock up and starve my boyfriend and my wife's best friend.

"Phil" I say softly as I tap him on the shoulder. He frowns, probably trying to stay asleep. "Phil?" I ask softly again, He just rolls away like any half asleep human would. Right now he seems totally oblivious that he's reaching through a bar and lying on a hard cement floor. "Phil, babe, wake up. It's dan." I murmur softly as Elizabeth takes Megan's hand from Phils cold sweaty one, and I slip my cold one into place so Phil still has someone to hold. Phil squeezes my hand and then lets me

"dan... why are you here...?" He asks me softly as he looks at me with his perfect eyes. He try's to sound upset. But he's failing. I just smile softly.

"I'm king now. Witch means I'm letting you go." I say as I slip the key into the lock. I fiddle with it for a second, I've never been good with keys, then I hear a click and his cell door slides open.

"Really? I can go home?" Phil asks hopefully. I help him stand because he looks like a skeleton, and his voice is soft and weak.

"No. You can share my bed though." I say as I help him up.

"You told them that I was going to rot in that cell. It's been three weeks. I didn't think you would come back for me" he says as he rests his head on my shoulder. He sounds exhausted. He sounds like he doesn't want to make a deal out of his exhaustion, but Phil is probably extremely hungry, and he probably isn't well hydrated.

"You can't be mad at me on my birthday" I smirk as I kiss his forehead. Phil Rolls his eyes and I giggle.

"Yeah." Phil sighs as he rolls his eyes a second time. "But you can't kiss me. We broke up." He says as he try's to squirm away from me. I hold him tighter because I know that it's going to be exhausting for him to climb up the stairs by himself and I don't want him to pass out, or hurt himself by mistake. I re adjust my arm around him so he has more extra support.

"I know you want to get back together with me." I say smoothly as he leans on me for a bit more support and stops trying to get me to let go of him. I softly lean my head on his head, witch is on my shoulder, so I'm not putting much weight on him, but so we're both comfortable.

"No you don't." Phil says as he stops to look at me. We are about to kiss when Megan giggles and Elizabeth sangrily starts talking.

"Don't fucking stop! keep walking! Heck dan, your boyfriend is like a stupid fucking sheep that can't follow the heard." Elizabeth snaps angrily at phil.

"Walk the fuck around us! we are having a moment!" I snap angrily back at her. She growls and pulls Megan around us. Phil and Megan giggle as if this is some inside joke.

I knew they couldn't last two minuets.

I just laugh at Phil's thought.

"Dan the moment is over." Megan informs me as she turns around to face me. I roll my eyes.

"You guys fucking suck Phil and I are going to my bedroom to have some steaming hot vampire butt sex" I wink as I nudge Phil. I love making him uncomfortable. Of corse he just rolls his eyes. He's the one that makes me shy. I have almost no impact on him unless I'm scaring the shit out of him. He's the one that can make me feel weak just by putting me on the spot, or telling me a bad pickup line.

Dan and Phil • Vampires • Phan (compleat) Where stories live. Discover now