'Don't fight it...sleep Olivia...' Hartman's voice pierced her mind and she screamed. 

'GET OUT OF MY HEAD!' Her eyes snapped open and she screamed again as a nurse poked her with a needle. Her body ached and pain flowed all over her upper body, her chest hurt and she turned to the door and saw Luke there, his eyes filled with pain but his face was hard, a scowl etched into it. She tried to yell at him but his head turned away and tears forced their way out of her eyes. She screamed as a nurse held her down, since her arms were restrained, she couldn't fight them off. She tried to throw her weight around but it failed miserably. Her body started to become heavy, no matter how hard she tried to fight it, her body was falling into an endless abyss. 

Olivia tried to keep her eyes open, but she couldn't....then something struck her. She opened her hands and winds started to pick up around her, half smiling the nurses were thrown back into Hartman and she lashed the winds to pull the cart with her things closer to her. Wheezing, she lifted them with the winds and landed with a soft thump on her lap. Smiling, she reached down and pressed them and a high pitch screech sounded. The doctor screamed and smacked them out of her hands. The winds ceased and the wrist bands bounced across the floor, 'How dare you!'

'Now my friends will be able to find me.' She shouted and her body went limp. Hartman was fuming, Little bitch. He gasped for air as each nurse got back up. 

'Luke,' the boy standing at the door, horrified snapped out and stood at attention, 'Call the General. The girl sent out a signal to her friends, we can assume they got it and must prepare for the worst. It will only take a matter of hours for them to get here and we must be ready for an assault. GO!' Luke scampered off and Hartman got up holding his head. His heart thumping in his chest. I may have underestimated her, I should've had those removed before she realized. Damn it! I didn't know they were special, the nurse said they were just bracelets because a girl can be a girl. But this isn't your average girl, shit, shit, shit. No matter, we will simply wait. Hopefully her friends will miss this. But what did the signal send, where did it go? 

'Doctor Hartman?' He turned on his heels to see a young nurse there, her face flushed and hands shaking, 'X-P984 is waking up. There are complications.' 

'I'm on my way. Luke watch that girl and if anything and I mean anything happens, let me know. The serum we injected should work in the next few hours.'

'Yes sir.' Luke bowed as Hartman walked down the empty hall towards where X-P984 was staying. 

We must be careful from now on, whether the signal sent or not, we can't be too careful. That girl is something else, she doesn't just control wind. There is something about her. Those "friends" of hers are strange too. They all have something weighing them down and those powers we saw in the room, that's only the surface of her powers. They are all capable of so much more and it's only a matter of time before they realize it. Damn it, this shouldn've happened. 

'Doctor Hartman!' He turned to see a young man running towards him, 'Doctor Hartman!' 

'Yes, what is it?' He raised a curious eyebrow and looked down at the young man, who was out of breath from running, 'Speak.'

'Sorry, sir. There's been an accident down in the barracks. Assistance is required, can you send a team down there?'

'Go to Georgina and she will assemble a team for you. Go.'

'Yes sir, thank you sir.' He dipped his head and ran off again. 

Jesus these people can be so unorganized. How did we end up hiring humans to work here? Aliens are all we need. to work. I guess we lost a few back in Washington, stupid general. He should'n't have sent that many down, it was basically a suicide mission. Too bad they couldn't finished the job, thank the heavens above for our little friend "Guy" what a plain name. He could've picked something to much more manly or scary but he went with that. I wonder...oh well. The King wants him there, but I never really understood why he was sent to the Underground Resistance. The Kings words are his I suppose.

'Dr Hartman!' A woman called from ahead, he glanced up at her. She was shorter than him, huge hazel eyes with flowing blonde hair, her body was curvaceous and his lustful eyes wandered over her physique, 'I'm glad you came!'

'Troubles I'm guessing?'

'The subject is waking up and just saying the same words over and over again!' She gripped his sleeve and dragged him to the window. 

The subject was facing a huge light, eyes glued to the sky. Face covered in bandages and body still wrapped up, the lips barely moving, 'What has been said?' He asked as the female doctor grew more worried.

'It says, "Brothers, sisters, death, earth and rebuild." I have no idea what it means.' 

'I do.' Doctor Hartman's face turned hard. His mind flipped and his heart slowed. This was dangerous, 'I am going to see the King himself and taking the subject and the Child of The Sky with me.' He turned and walked very fast back to Olivia who was fast asleep ready for operation. He burst into the room, 'Halt! We take her to the King tonight. Luke, Georgina with me. A team of three will do. Now hop to it.' 

Now I have to clean up some mess. Guy you idiot. How careless are you, do you really care for those kids that much you let their lives slip through your fingers every single time? I guess I can't complain, he comes through with every time with the best results...I guess I can't complain, after all he is my brother.

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