Dora Adventure 5 // SDI Mission

Start from the beginning

"Done. You're all set," He says into the earpiece.

I continue working on my computer screen, "Almost done with the doors."

"So, the security cameras are disconnected to the security within the lair?" Josh asks into the earpiece.

"Yup, you guys are all set."

I sit back once the screen lights up with Security System off, "You guys are all clear on entering. We'll tell you directions once you enter."

I watch as the blue dots draw closer to the East exit. We're both holding our breath as we hear a few shouts in the background. Soon, they're in the building.

My ear crackles to life again, "We're in. Now what?"

I scan the screen. There is a group of people gathered at the end of a hallway to the right, but if they turn left, it's all clear, "Turn left at the hallway. You should be clear. Take a right and you'll pass what I'm assuming is . . ." I squint at the screen, "The main headquarters. Then, take a left and pause. I'll update you then."

"Got it. We're on a move."

I follow them, making sure they're safe. Ben is silent next to me, scanning the screens. His eyes widen.

"Oh, no."

Kota's POV

Following Mel and Ben's orders, Josh and I turn down the left hallway, keeping our guard up. I scan behind us to ensure the people in the right hallway can't see us. I nod at Josh to confirm we're safe.

We continue down the hallway and something stings me.

"Ouch," I jump back and rub my arm as if that'll help the pain.

"You okay?" Josh asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I think there's some sort of weaponry blocking our path."

He puts his finger to his earpiece so he can talk into it, "Ben, Mel, there's something down this hallway. Do you have any sight?"

Ben's voice echoes through our earpieces, "Yeah, funny story. I may have forgotten to account for the possibility of a secondary defense."

"Ben," I sternly reply, "What exactly do you mean by secondary defenses?"

"I mean, maybe invisible laser grids," he awkwardly trails off.

Josh and I share a glance: We can't see the lasers, so how do we get past them?

I hear the clicking of keys as Mel speaks, "I'm working on hacking the secondary security system, but so far no luck."

Pondering over the scenario, I come to a conclusion.

"Mel, I think they're geniuses."

"Um, Kota, that's not a good thing," she replies.

"Wait," Josh starts, "Kota might be on to something."

"It's so obvious!" I exclaim, "What would any secret organization do if their main operating system was hacked? They'd have another system put up immediately."

Ben sighs, "We already knew that, which is why we're finding another way through the system."

"See, that's where you're mistaken. You guys are trying to find another way through the same operating system, when you should be looking for another operating system. They've got to have a backup server somewhere, so you two try to figure that out, and Josh and I will try to find another way around in case it doesn't work."

Everyone agrees to the plan, so Josh and I proceed to figure out a way to get to the other side of the hallway.

Josh wanders around while I try to figure out the boundaries of the laser grid.

"Kota, over here," Josh calls out to me.

I follow the sound of his voice to a hidden corner. He points at a vent on the wall in front of us.

"This is too easy," I say. He nods in agreement and pries the cover off of the vent.

Crawling through the narrow tunnels, we carefully listen to Mel's instructions so we know where to turn.

Once reaching the main headquarters, we climb out of the vents and knock out some guards.

"All clear," I say to Mel and Ben.

"Alright. We'll see you soon," Mel tells us.

Josh and I explore the room and hack into some computers, gathering all the information we can on Dora's next move.

I find a way to disable the secondary security system through the main computer and let Mel and Ben know it's safe to enter.


Mel and Ben meet us inside and we discuss the information we've uncovered.

"Now that we know all of this, what's our next move going to be?" I ask.

"Personally, I think you're out of moves," a voice says.

The four of us turn around to see Dora standing there, a smirk on her face.

"Dora," Mel glares at her.

"Melody, Kota, nice to see you girls again," she greets.

I roll my eyes. Dora hasn't been the same since she left the children's television industry.

Ben gets angry and walks up to Dora, "If you're so clever, why don't we fight?"

Dora scoffs, "You think you can take me?"

Josh steps up beside Ben, "Yeah, we do actually."

"Fine," Dora gives in, "The skatepark at 5. You better be there, and come with a whole team."

Everyone agrees, and Dora exits the room to assemble her people.

This is it, we're going to face off Dora.

• • •

We just hit 200k reads, and it is all thanks to every single one of you. Whether you've only read one imagine or read every update, you've all contributed to this unimaginable goal. The support on this book is incredible, we can't even begin to express our gratitude. And we know, we're absolutely terrible at consistent updates, but we truly do appreciate all you guys have done and are working on imagines. That being said, thank you all for sticking with us and helping us achieve something we never thought was possible.

-Dakota and Melody

P.S. Less than a year ago we hit 100k, and now, we hit 200k!? You guys are amazing. Alright, shoots.

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