Johnny Orlando // Rainy Days

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requested by @mattosaurus_r5

Today has been an overall terrible day. Absolutely nothing is going right.

I heavily sigh and turn away from the essay that my teacher spontaneously assigned in dismay to my already flawed day to stare out at the rain droplets trickling down my window. Even the sky is sad, is it seriously that bad of a day?

"Eshaal!" A cheery voice calls from the doorway of my room.

I glance over at the voice to see my best friend Johnny smiling at me with his backpack over one shoulder.

"Hey, Johnny," I force a smile at him. As if my day couldn't get worse, the boy who I like that will never notice me as anything more than a friend just came over.

He pouts at me, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

He gives me a look of disbelief before dropping his backpack and taking a seat beside me.

"Seriously, Eshaal, what's going on?"

"Really, I'm fine. It's just been a stressful day," I respond.

"Well," Johnny starts, "I don't like to see you upset, so let's go do something!"

He gets up and holds his hand out to me. I hesitantly grab it and let him drag me into whatever it is he wants to do.

Johnny somehow gets my mom to drive us to a random café, which is where we are now. It is very small yet cozy, and being in the caffeine scented room is able to make my day a little bit better. Johnny heads over to the counter and orders us both hot chocolate.

"That'll be $7.50," the cashier tells us.

I begin to pull out some cash but Johnny stops me, "A gentleman always pays for his date," he then proceeds to pay the lady.

We are now sitting in a booth by the window while sipping on the warm drinks. His words are still floating through my mind. He called me his date. Was it just a joke or did he mean it as something more? I suppose I could ask him.

"I could've paid for the drinks myself," I tell him.

Johnny just smiles at me, "I would never let the girl I like pay for her own drink."

"You like me?"

"Of course I like you, Eshaal. Do you like me?"

"Yeah, I have for awhile," I confess.

Johnny thinks for a moment, "Can this be our first date?"

"Sure," I respond nonchalantly, although inside I'm screaming of joy. He actually likes me back.

We continue to talk until we finish all the hot chocolate and then we decide to walk back to my house, despite the pouring rain.

"You realize we'll probably get sick, right," I ask Johnny as he interlocks our fingers together.

"Trust me, it'll be worth it," he suspiciously tells me.

We are soon in front of my house and I am honestly very sad that this evening has to come to an end.

"I hope you're not stressed out anymore," Johnny remarks while turning so that we are facing each other.

The rain continues to pour down on us, "I'm not stressed, just cold."

Johnny doesn't respond, he just stares into my brown eyes, and I can't help but gaze into his eyes as well. Slowly he leans in, and then his lips are on mine.

Despite the cold air and rain drops all around us, I feel a warm sensation through my body as we kiss. Once we pull apart the feeling still lingers there and I find myself smiling at all the prior events.

Johnny laughs, "There's that beautiful smile!"

» Dakota

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