Start from the beginning

'That Kumar fellow is waiting for you for like an hour, Babes, they have a plane to catch. Go meet him. It must be important.' Lydia explained. Mahdia sighed and angrily removed her apron, she threw it on the counter.

Mahdia was annoyed when she found out Ahyan had only sent Kumar. After she had confessed she likes him, he so rudely walked away and today she had expected him to come and talk to her. But no, he has sent his stooge instead.

Kumar kept glancing towards the workstation all the while jumping on his toes, he felt impatient and slightly annoyed. He wanted to leave but he was given strict instructions from his boss that he doesn't leave without doing the job. Kumar frustrated fished out his mobile from his trouser pants deciding to call Ahyan but before he did he heard a female voice and looked up from his mobile.

Mahdia forced a smile at him, he smiled genuinely at her, a tired smile. Mahdia noticed he held a file, she looked at the blue file briefly before looking back up at Kumar. He forwarded her the file.

'Our contract.' He said brightly. Mahdia took the file from him and flipped through the pages.

'Take your time to read this, our flight is at 3 pm and,' he glanced at his watch, 'it is just 10 am now. At least by 1 pm come and hand it to us. You know our hotel and room, right?' Kumar said. Mahdia didn't look up, her gaze running over the page. Kumar smiled at her and turned to leave when Mahdia stopped him.

Kumar nodded when she asked him to wait for five minutes, she went to the counter and got a pen.

'Are you sure?' he asked concerned as Mahdia quickly sighed the dotted lines. He looked at her carefully, she looked annoyed. He wondered, why?

'Yup!' she said and handed him the file.

'Okay then, we will send someone soon for finalizing everything.' Kumar said. Mahdia simply nodded and turned around walking away. Kumar looked confused, surely Sir did something to offend her, he thought shaking his head.


'You should meet him.' Lydia said suddenly startling Mahdia. The women were in the washroom. Mahdia had just washed her face while Lydia appeared from inside a cubicle.

'Why? He has nothing to do with me, why should I? Mahdia shrugged.

'Because you love him, and if he goes without knowing then that is the end.'

'It doesn't matter if I love him, he doesn't.'

'Did he say that?' Lydia said. Mahdia bit her lower lip, then composed herself and said, 'well technically no, but his actions said it all.'

Lydia sighed, 'Maybe he is confused,' she placed her palms on her shoulder and shook her little, 'but if you say everything clearly, it will make him think and with him going back he will be compelled to think about you and who knows he realizes he loves you! It's a chance you should take.' Lydia explained. Mahdia listened carefully before giving a thoughtful nod.


Ahyan stepped out from the cab, he then took out his briefcase and laptop Bag. Kumar along with the driver took out their luggage from behind the car. Ahyan waited out as Kumar goes to get the trolley.

Ahyan took out his phone and checked his flight details before he kept his phone down his gaze fell on Mahdia's message. He felt faintly disappointed because she hadn't called or messaged him. He felt bad, but this was needed, he didn't want to give her false hopes. She is young and most probably has a stupid childish crush on him, once he is gone she will get over him. This is Paris after all, she will find better men than him. Ahyan thought with a small sad smile.

MY NIECE'S AUNT (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now