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Mahdia felt nervous as she rang the doorbell, what will she say her mother about Ahyan, who is he? Mariam clenched Ahyan's hand and is talking something about her home and Dadi. The door opened and a very worried Mrs. Siddiqui stood on the other side.

'What happened, Ma?' Mahdia asked concerned.

'Good you came.' Mrs. Siddiqui stepped aside. Mahdia frowned on seeing three police officers and her landlady, Mrs. Wilson.

Ahyan and Mariam stood by the corridor as Mahdia spoke with the officers. They spoke in French and so Ahyan was clueless. Mrs. Siddiqui was with them, she didn't speak anything but looked tensed. The middle-aged woman who Mariam had said is their landlady and is very cranky, was also chirping in repeatedly. Ahyan knew something was wrong, he tugged on Mariam's hand and asked her what was happening.

'Mrs. Wilson is a big witch. She knows Maddy's café isn't doing very good business as before, and the cash from the business meeting is yet to come. The witch brought police and they are asking us to leave the house, like now. Maddy is arguing that she will pay the rent as soon as she gets the pay but Mrs. Wilson is saying she has given us too much already.' Mariam explained.

Ahyan looked at Mahdia's tensed face and he didn't like it. She is desperately talking to the French officers, her voice cracking. Ahyan walked into the living room where everyone is gathered.

'How much is the rent?' Ahyan stepped in. Everyone looked at him. Mahdia turned to him.


He didn't look at her but straight at Mrs. Wilson. 'Ahyan I can't take your help.' Mahdia said seriously.

Mrs. Wilson looked at Ahyan suspiciously before saying grumpily, '5,070 for three months.' Ahyan looked at Mahdia with his eyebrow raised. She looked embarrassed.

Ahyan took out his wallet from his pocket, Mahdia protested but he didn't stop, he took out his card and forwarded it to them.

Mahdia felt embarrassed as Mrs. Wilson accepted the card. Soon the payment was done, and the officers left. Before leaving Mrs. Wilson flashed a fake smile.

'Thank you, young man!' Mrs. Siddiqui thanked Ahyan while Mahdia seemed annoyed. She didn't like taking help from anyone. After her brother's death, she had managed everything on her own, and she liked it that way. Today Ahyan embarrassed her in front of everyone including her mother.

Ahyan smiled, 'I didn't do any favors.' Mahdi didn't look at him though she knew he was looking at her.

'I am going to have a deal with Ms. Mahdia.' This caught her attention, she looked up at him.

'I am going to start an outlet of her café in my Hotel! You can take this as advance.' Ahyan said. Mahdia looked away, his gaze on her making her feel red in the face. He did this for her. She felt touched.

'Okay, I must be going.' Ahyan said. As he turned Mrs. Siddiqui stopped him.

'Beta, the weather isn't good, looks like it will rain. Please stay over for dinner.' Mrs. Siddiqui insisted. Ahyan protested but he stopped when Mahdia said, 'Please stay.' Ahyan looked at her for a while before giving a small nod. Mahdia smiled, he smiled too.


At dinner, Mrs. Siddiqui enquired about Ahyan. Though Mahdia wasn't comfortable, but Ahyan managed well. He also cleverly dodged all personal questions. As they ate dinner, they heard the rainfall. Mariam was very excited, she left her dinner bid a hasty goodbye to everyone and rushed to her room, she loved watching the rain from her window.

'Here!' Mahdia handed Ahyan a red umbrella. They stood at the doorway. The rain was unexcepted and the downpour heavy, but then this is Europe.

'Bye!' he smiled at Mahdia.

'Bye!' suddenly she felt sad. She stood by door resting against it, she clenched the door tight watching him walk away.

Then she couldn't stop herself, 'Ahyan!' she called. Ahyan turned around. She closed the door and ran to him. He is surprised. She got drenched in rain but didn't care. Ahyan extended the umbrella taking her in. Mahdia looked at him for split seconds before tip-toeing and kissing his cheek.

Ahyan is stunned.

He blinked at her, Mahdia felt her cheek burn but she stared directly into his eyes.

'Thank you!' she said.

Ahyan gazed into her eyes briefly, his gaze falling on her wet slightly parted lips, they shivered in the cold. He felt the crazy urge to kiss her lips. He quickly looked away and forced a smile. She smiled and leaned forward. Mahdia threw her arm around his neck hugging him. Ahyan is taken aback but he quickly recovered and moved his free arm and wrapped it around her waist. Mahdia smiled. She felt butterflies in her stomach, this is the first she is hugging a man.

A man she is so madly in love with.

They broke apart, 'oops!' Mahdia apologized glancing at his wet clothes. Ahyan simply smiled at her.

'Here take the umbrella.' He said. He extended his hand but Mahdia placed her palm over his.

'Na, it is okay.' She smiled

Ahyan nodded, he was about to go. For some reason, he felt his legs heavy, they didn't want him to leave.

'You will come at airport tomorrow?' he asked

Mahdia shook her head, tears pricked her eyes instantly.

'Why?' Ahyan asked concerned.

'Because,' Mahdia looked up into his eyes and Ahyan is surprised but he didn't interrupt her.

'I can't watch you go.' She said innocently.

Ahyan looked at her for a second before saying, 'Why?'

Mahdia forced a smile but she didn't break the eye-contact, it is now or never.

'It sounds silly but in this less time, you have become special to me. Too special.' She confessed. Ahyan blinked at her.


So guys, how was the Chapter ;) 

Ahyan and Mahdia's first hug, Mahdia kissed his cheek and also confessed. Wowie!

Loved it guys?

Do let me know your reaction in the comments :)

MY NIECE'S AUNT (COMPLETED)✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon