Start from the beginning

'Oh! How come?' she asked innocently. Ahyan smiled and shrugged

'I guess I am a little practical person.' He said

Mahdia looked at him amused, 'Why so serious?' she said and chuckled. Ahyan smiled little, well she does have a point, why so serious?

Ahyan stood beside Mahdia, he turned his head to look at her. He watched her as she prayed sincerely. Her eyes tightly closed and her palms clasped tightly, her lips moving fervently. He couldn't help but smile, she is looking so innocent. There is a child-like innocence in her that makes her very attractive. Ahyan looked away as she opened her eyes. She looked at him and he pretended to be looking at the candles.

'It's so peaceful here, isn't it?' Mahdia said as the two sat on one of the benches.

''s all in the mind, actually.' Ahyan said simply. Mahdia tilted her head and looked at him, he stared front.

'Well, I don't think so.' Mahdia said. Ahyan smiled and looked at her.

'Well, the debate will never end. But we shouldn't waste our time in the debate, we must go back to work too. Haina?'

Mahdia nodded her head, she didn't like the idea of them parting. She sighed and stood up, Ahyan stood up too.


Mahdia took Ahyan next to Arc de Triomphe, it is another landmark place in Paris.

'You can click photos here.' Mahdia said. Since its winter, there aren't many people here but nevertheless, the beauty of the place is still the same.

'Do I look like a photo person?' Ahyan raised his right eyebrow and Mahdia nodded in agreement.

'I get what you mean.' She felt little annoyed. He had said to take him wherever she thought was best, but whatever she thought was best didn't interest him. Only occasionally, did she see some other expressions on his face beside the usual straight face. It's hard to know if he is interested or not.

'Where do you want to go next?' Mahdia asked. This time she made up her mind that if he said the same thing, 'whatever suits you' she will punch his face.

Ahyan looked at her, 'You are from Paris, you should know better.' He said

Mahdia mentally rolled her eyes, 'But I don't know what you like. So?' she managed to say. Ahyan thought for a while, he looked around. Mahdia looked at him. He gestured her to come sit on one of the benches. She nodded.

Half an hour later,

Mahdia yawned as Ahyan checked out an art in the famous, Musee du Louvre, Art Museum. Mahdia felt this is the most boring museums in the history of museums. Some of the arts Mahdia didn't understand though they weren't modern arts, some art and statues made her blush, some were beautiful but boring. She looked at Ahyan he seemed interested.

'What a boring person.' Mahdia muttered.

'You said something?' Ahyan asked looking at her.

'Nothing.' Mahdia shook her head, her cheeks flushed.


'The museum was good.' Ahyan said as the two stood inside the metro train. Mahdia nodded her head. It was good they left the museum else she would have died of boredom if there was such a death. Ahyan looked up and found a tall white man leaning in his chair, his eyes on Mahdia. Ahyan looked at Mahdia she seemed oblivious. He looked back at that man who stared at her, his gaze unmoved. Ahyan felt uncomfortable with the man's gaze on Mahdia. Ahyan shifted in his place. Mahdia is surprised when Ahyan stood right in front of her. Ahyan smiled at her pretending like was just casual. Mahdia smiled looking away. Ahyan smirked thinking of the man's expression. He is successful in blocking his view of Mahdia with his back.

'Cathedral? Museums? Mahdia you are an idiot!' Lydia sighed slapping her forehead. Mahdia frowned not understanding her reaction.

'He said he had been to Eiffel tower so I didn't take him there.' Mahdia shrugged tying her hair in a quick bun.

'Idiot, you should have taken him to romantic places. God! What should I with you? You are hopeless. If you took him to romantic places, those romantic feelings would come inside him and you know something would have happened. But you, silly girl,' Lydia held her shoulders, 'He is going next week. Do something.' She shook her slightly.

Mahdia bit her lower lip, her heart sinking with the thought of Ahyan leaving next week.

'Lydia, please help me. Please help me, built those romantic feelings in him for me before he goes.' Mahdia pleaded holding Lydia's hand. Lydia smiled nodding her head. Mahdia leaped forward and hugged her as she muttered her thanks.

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