Chapter 52

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The air smells better than it did inside, fresher and cleaner mixed with a cool breeze. Keenan inhales deeply letting it fill his lungs, after being locked up in a smelly prison for four and a half months it feels great to smell something other than must and sweat. He hasn't been beyond the prison walls in months, it almost feel strange to be standing out here alone without guards breathing down his neck.

A silver car pulls up to the sidewalk and Keenan recognizes it as his sisters. He walks over and opens the door, sliding inside. She watches him as he does, noticing that his bruises have heeled and there's only a faint scar above his eye.

"Hey," Kiara's soft voice floats over to him.

He turns his head and looks at her, "Hey,"

"You're a free man."

"Doesn't feel like I am," he replies looking at the prison. "I feel like a guard will come out any minute and drag me back inside."

Kiara tilts her head to the side, wanting to reach over and hug her little brother. But she doesn't. They didn't end on good terms when he left, so giving him a little space is the best thing to do right now. "You'll get back into your daily routine soon." She tells him. He nods and turns his head to look out the window. A tense silence fills the air as Kiara shifts into drive and pulls away from the curb.

As they drive across the highway, Keenan's mind is racing. How is mom and dad? How is Aubrey? Has Sevyn gone by the studio to visit Kiara and Marcus? Does everyone know what happened at Macy's party? Is Sevyn happy with Jackson? Keenan has to force his self to stop thinking so much, it can't possibly be healthy to over work his mind like this when he just got out of prison.

He isn't allowed to go back to school until the end of winter break. So he doesn't have to rush head first into his routine just yet. While others are at schools, he has time to just stay home and reflect on his jail time and think about being a daddy. He is ordered to attend anger management classes twice a week until they see an improvement in him. It seems like pure bull to him but he'd rather do that than return to jail.

"Thank you for coming to get me." Keenan says to his sister.

"You're welcome," Kiara says as she turns onto their parents street and soon they're pulling into the driveway of his house. "Now's the moment of truth. You've got to tell them about Aubrey."

Keenan swallows, he had forgotten that his parents didnt know. "Oh...right." He says staring up at the house.

Kiara sighs, "I'm sorry for not calling you." She breaths. "I should have been there for you and I wasn't. I was so mad at you for doing this to us that I forgot how much you needed us during your time of need."

Keenan shrugs, "It's alright, it's over now so don't stress. I'm out and Im good, now I just gotta drop the big news."

"Good luck, call me if you need." She tells him, reaching over and giving him a hug. He squeezes her gently then opens the door and gets out. He walks up the pathway, mentally preparing what he's going to say to his parents. Before he can think clearly the door swings open to reveal his mother beaming at him. He smiles and walks quickly to the door and opens it, stepping inside.

"Hey mama," he greets her as she grabs him in a tight hug. She sighs in content and they rock from side to side.

Heavy steps thud down the stairs and his father appears. "Hey, you're home!" He comes over and joins the hug. Keenan smiles briefly before the hug becomes hot and uncomfortable, his parents release him so he can breathe again.

"I'm so happy you're home. It's been too quiet around here without your video games and radio blasting." His mom says.

He smiles, "Well I'm back now and I have to tell you something."

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