Chapter 14

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Sevyn is woken up to someone shaking her shoulder. She ignores them, figuring its one of her brothers and turns around to her other side. The shaking continues and she sucks her teeth. "What do you want?" She mumbles.

"For you to get up. I even let you sleep ten minutes later."

Sevyn turns around and cracks open one eye to see her father sitting on her bed. She looks at him confused as to why he's waking her up. He never wakes her up in the morning because its too much of a fight to get her out of bed. Sevyn can't even remember the last time she saw him first thing in the morning.

"Your mother told me what happened." He says to her, patting her arm sympathetically.

Sevyn puts an arm over her eyes to block out the sunlight spilling into her room. "Of course she did. Word spread fast in this house."

"You know I'm here if you wanna talk Sevyn. Me, your mom, your brothers, we're all here for you. I don't want you to feel like you have to keep this bottled up, alright?" He says to her, rubbing her arm to comfort her. Sevyn nods her head, still too groggy to reply. It's not like she was going to keep everything bottled up. She just needed some to time to get her thoughts straight and vent. "Good, your mother made some hashbrowns, eggs and toast. Come downstairs and eat."

"Alright," Sevyn says. After a moment of silence her father gets up and leaves, closing the door behind him. Sevyn rolls out of bed dreading going to school. She already knows people are gonna be in her face, asking questions that she doesn't have an answer for. Something tells her that she might just end up in the principles office for socking someone in the face. And that's just fine with her, because some pent up anger will be released.

Once she's taken care of her hygiene she doesn't bother going downstairs for breakfast. Her appetite is non-existence and all she wants to do is crawl back in her bed. But knowing that she won't get up in time for school, she goes to her closet to pick out some clothes for the day. Sevyn plugs her phone into the portable speakers on her dresser and presses play. The Worst by Jhene Aiko starts playing and she instantly skips it, not in the mood for any slow depressing song. She goes through at least five song on her phone before finally settling on All Me by Drake.

Five songs later, Sevyn settles on wearing a red polo with dark jeans and her all white Nikes. After putting in her silver studs and combing her hair, she walks down the hall to Ty room and burst inside without knocking. She catches him posing in the mirror shirtless, taking selfies on his phone. Sevyn lets out a laugh and Ty spins around, lowering his phone quickly.

"Is this what you do in your spare time?" She teases as he grabs a shirt and tugs it over his head.

Ty glares at her, "Shut up. Like you don't go into the bathroom and take 50 pictures because the lighting is good."

Sevyn purses her lips because he's right. But every girl does that, it's a fact of nature. Sevyn ignore his smart comeback and leans on the wall. "So are we gonna start car pooling now? It's either you or ask Monica to drive all the way over here to come get me."

"It's fine with me as long as you don't mind being packed in a car with four boys everyday." He tells her as he sits on his bed and pulls on his sneakers.

"As long as I have a ride I'm good." She tells him. Malcolm appears behind her and poles his head into the room, "Hurry up before we're late again." He tells his twin. Ty flips him the bird and sprays on some axe. Sevyn scrunches up her nose and fans the air.

"I swear you boys bathe in that stuff. Your gonna kill yourselves one day." She says as the smell stings her nose and makes her cough.

"Shut up before I make you ride on the roof." Ty warns, throwing the axe down and grabbing his bookbag. Sevyn gives him a doubtful glance and leave the room to grab her bookbag. She closes her room door and follows her brothers down the stairs towards the door.

"Alright mama, dad, we outta here." Ty says, throwing up the deuces.

Their mom scampers into the living room, fully dressed in her work outfit. "Sevyn you didn't even eat. Did your father tell you I made some food?" The worry lines in her face deepen as she stares at her daughter.

"I'm not hungry ma," Sevyn tells her.

Her mother puts her hands on her hips. "Sevyn Jahnae Harris," Sevyn flinches at the use of her full name. Sometimes she wonders what possed her parents to think so far out of the box with her name while her brothers got normal names like Malcolm Devon Harris and Tyrell Mikyle Harris. Sevyn looks back to her mothers quizzical eyes, "You mean to tell me that you didn't eat dinner last night and you're still not hungry for breakfast?"

Malcolm and Ty slowly back away, knowing that their mom being aggravated early in the morning is not a good way to start the day. Sevyn keeps her face straight, "Yes ma'am."

Their mother looks Sevyn up and down and opens her mouth to speak before their father interjects. "Christine they have to get to school, they're gonna be late. Sevyn will eat when she's ready, leave the girl alone."

Christine shoots her husband one of the dirtiest looks their kids have ever witnessed. It was the kind that might as well had daggers shoot out her eyes and kill him on the spot. She looks back at Sevyn and crosses her arms, "I expect you to eat lunch and dinner today Sevyn. I'm not gonna put up with you starving yourself over some boy."

"I'm not starving myself!" Sevyn argues back, her voice cracking at the thought that her mother would even think that for a moment.

"Then what the hell are you doing cuz we all know you can eat." Their mother's voice reaches a new level of aggravation and Malcolm steps in, placing his hands on his mothers shoulders while Ty pulls Sevyn away.

"I'll make sure she eats ma, but we gotta go right now or we'll be late." Malcolm tells her, massaging her shoulders to help her cool down.

Christine looks up at him, "You better." She simply says before turning and walking back to the kitchen. Their father sighs, scratching the back of his head in stress. Malcolm shrugs before following Ty and Sevyn out the door. They climb into the car and take off to first pick up Corey then Shaun.

Sevyn is silent the whole ride, fiddling with the case on her phone. After a few minutes, she finally unlocks her phone and her messages open up. Most of them are from Keenan and a few are from Monica. She deletes the ones from Keenan and reads through Monica. She's so engrossed in her phone she doesn't notice when the door opens and Corey slides inside. He places a Dunkin Donut bag in her lap and she finally glances up.

"Feeling better now?" He asks her. Sevyn peeks inside the bag to find a huge coffee cake muffin waiting for her.

"Thank you," she says to him.

"No problema," he tells her before starting a conversation with Malcolm and Ty about who won the game they were playing last night. They start arguing with each other, getting louder and louder each time one of them says something the others don't like. Soon enough Shaun gets in the car and joins the conversation, which only makes the noise worse.

Sevyn sighs and plugs her headphones into her ear, drowning out the noise of the four boys surrounding her and bracing herself for a long day at school.

As expected, Keenan, Aubrey and Sevyn have to face numerous pairs of eyes on them throughout the day when ever they so much as walk down the hallway or take a seat in class.

Sevyn has decided to ignore the gossip, ignore Keenan, ignore Aubrey and live life like nothing happened. She hangs with Monica and laughs at the lunch table with her friends. She focuses in class and doesn't worry about what the two girls behind her are whispering about. She's determined to prove to everyone that a bump in the road isn't going to throw her off track.

Keenan walks through the hall silently, refusing to spare anyone a glance or answer to any of the greeting thrown his way. His friends have turned their backs on him and the girls are staying even farther away from him with the knowledge of him cheating on Sevyn getting Aubrey pregnant. He doesnt want to become a loner, so he instead hovers around people he considers acquaintances and familiar faces in class. But he knows no one will ever replace his boys.

Aubrey on the other is more lonely. Still being the new girl in school, she's finding it hard to find a friendly face. She hears what the girls whisper about her. Slut, home wrecker, thot. And the boys are even worse by calling her a trapper. Apparently it's one who sleeps with boys in an effort to get pregnant, just so they'll stay with her. Aubrey is disgusted and devastated by all of this but she knows there's no turning back now.

"I'm so happy that Volleyball is starting up next week." Sevyn tells Monica in the locker room later on. They have gym this period and they have to change into the standard navy blue shorts and red shirts. "It will keep me busy and keep my mind off things."

Monica ties her shoe lace, "You know what that means. I get to break out the Pom poms!" She exclaims excitedly, smiling at Sevyn's nervous glance in her direction.

"Please tell me you're gonna tone it down this year." Sevyn pleads. Last year Monica would come to all her games and cheer her on, waving red and blue pom poms in the air. But along with her school spirit came alot of trash talking to the opposing team. The things that came out her mouth was enough to make the other team feel insecure and uncomfortable. She had so much to say that that audience would watch her more than the girls on the court. It got so out of hand that security had to escort Monica out the gym and she was banned from Volleyball games for the rest of the year.

Monica shrugs her shoulders, "we'll see." Sevyn shakes her head and together they go out to the gym to start running their warm up laps.

At lunch, Sevyn nibbles on the rest of the muffin that Corey gave her this morning. He watches her quizzically as she picks off tiny pieces of the cinnamon top and pops it in her mouth, chewing slowly.

"Does it not taste good or something?" He ask her. They're the only the ones at the table besides Shaun who is busy flirting with Talia Morgan. "You usually devour those things."

Sevyn looks up at him before putting the muffin back in the bag. "No it's fine, I just don't have an appetite lately."

Just as she says that, a tray of food is dropped on the table in front of her. Malcolm sits down next to her, "You better find an appetite before mama kills you."

"What she doesn't know won't kill her." Sevyn responds, pushing the tray of tater tots and a thin hot dog away from her in disgust. The others slowly show up at the table and take their seats. Monica comes a few minutes later and sits on Sevyn's other side.

"Sevyn either you eat or I force feed you. It's your choice." Malcolm threatens, giving her a warning look. Sevyn rolls her eyes, silently wishing that Malcolm would stop trying to be her parent sometimes. She gives him an annoyed look and snatches a tater tot off the tray and putting in her mouth. She chews slowly for a long time, the potato taste like cotton in her mouth. She finally swallows it down and gives Malcolm an 'are you happy now?' type look. He smiles and hands her another one.

"Hey everyone!" A squeaky voice exclaims behind them. Sevyn looks over her shoulder to see Macy Cartegena standing behind her holding a metallic pink bag. She reaches inside and takes out a gold envelope. "These are invites to my Sweet Sixteen."

She hands one to Sevyn and Ty before moving around the table, handing them to a select amount of people. "It's gonna take place at the Gardenia Hotel down town. It's semi-formal so no jeans." She says, eyeing Ty who hates dressing up. He purses her lips and takes an envelope from her hands.

Once she's done Macy stands at the head of the table with a smile. "I need you to RSVP by next Wednesday. All the information is in the card." She says, flashing another perfectly white smile before walking away to distribute more invitations.

Sevyn wrinkles her nose at the invitation, not liking the idea of having to dress up, do her hair and having heels forced into her feet by her mom. Monica nudges her in the arm, "Stop making that face. We're going to the party."

Out the corner of her eye, Sevyn sees Macy handing Keenan and the boys at his table an invitation. She puts down her invitation without even opening it and continues picking at the tater tots on her plate.

Sorry for errors
Just a filler....Pic of Sevyn in the multimedia-played by Justine Skye


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