Chapter 43

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SEVYN'S NAME IS PRONOUNCED SEVEN LIKE THE NUMBER! I should have cleared that up earlier, sorry.

Even though she was tired she can't bring herself to sleep. When Sevyn arrived home she walked into the kitchen to see that her mother had cooked her favorite dinner. Shrimp with rice and cornbread, that must have been her way of apologizing to her for missing the game but her father was no where in sight. Her mother asked her how the game went and she responded with a simple, "we lost," then finished her meal. She left her mother and brothers downstairs before going to her room, changing into her pajamas and grabbing her laptop in hopes of video chatting Money. When she didnt reply to her request or the text and calls, Sevyn gave up and just climbed into bed and laid in the dark.

She tried to force herself to fall asleep but it wasnt happening. The sorry ending of the game keeps popping into her mind making her feel nothing but regret. She was elected captain for a reason and she let her team down. This was supposed to be Sevyn's year but it ended up being nothing but a big flop. She rolls onto her stomach and smushes her face down into her pillow. Her mind wonders to Jackson, how he acted completely clueless when she brought up the girl he was sitting with. She couldnt believe he would flirt with another girl so openly when he was supposed to be there to cheer her on. She should have let her brothers beat him up like they wanted to.

Sevyn rolls on to her side and closes her eyes trying to force herself to fall asleep. She still can't slip into the deep sleep she was hoping for and her head hurts from laying on this side. She flips onto her back and rolls the other way to face her window and screams when she sees someone staring at her outside. She hops out the bed and stomps over to the window, yanking it forcefully. " scared the hell out of me." She hisses at him as he sits in the tree by her window like a creep. "What are you doing?"

"Well you wouldnt answer your phone and I know your parents arent going to let me in at the time of the night so this is the next best option." He says, holding on to the tree for dear life. "Can I come in? Niggas are not made for climbing, I'm cold and and I'm scuffing up my jays."

"Good, stay out there in the cold. Matter of fact, go call the cheap hoe you were hanging with at the game." She says, "Maybe her weave will keep you warm."

"Now why she gotta be cheap?" Jackson asks. Sevyn mugs him and starts closing her window.

"No Sevyn wait," Jackson exclaims, reaching for her window and putting his hand on the sill. She thinks about slamming the window down on his fingers but knows that would be a bad idea if she injures his hand before basketball season starts. Plus if he falls, her mother will come out there with her baseball bat and knock him out cold. Sevyn crosses her arms and watches as Jackson digs in his pockets and takes out his phone. He does some scrolling before turning the screen around to face her. It's a picture of him and the girl he was sitting with at the basketball game giving the camera a cheesy smile.

She rolls her eyes. "Ok...and? You're taking selfies with her, is this how you announce you have a side hoe?"

Jackson gives her a blank look, "Why dont you read the caption smart ass."

Sevyn glares at him before moving the picture up so she can read the caption: Volleyball game at MPH with bighead. Go follow my cousin yall :)

"I asked her to come to the game with me so she could see you play. She plays volleyball too so I figured she would enjoy the game. And if you still dont believe me you can go to her page and see her boyfriend, he plays basketball down there at Stonebrooke." Jackson explains to her. Sevyn locks his phone and gives it back to him. She stares at him for a moment before opening the window wider and walking away. Jackson smirks at her and carefully climbs inside, "Yeah, someone feels dumb."

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