Chapter 36

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"Monica I...I know but...Monica I just...MONICA SHUT UP FOR LIKE TWO SECONDS!" Sevyn yells at the top of her lungs. Monica gives her a stank look but shuts her mouth anyway. Sevyn showed up at her door 20 minutes ago even though she was supposed to come over last night and Monica's been doing nothing but ranting to her about being neglected. Sevyn ended up staying at Mrs. Brown's house longer than she meant to watching movie after movie with Jamie and Jackson. Jamie eventually fell asleep after the sixth movie and Jackson carried her up to her room. Their grandmother returned home, paid Sevyn and retired to her bed room for the night.

Jackson decided to take Sevyn home, stopping for Burger King along the way. They didn't kiss again but they both acted like giddy twelve year olds who are keeping a secret from their parents. Once Jackson dropped her home, Sevyn ate her food, took a shower and climbed into bed. Forgetting all about going over to Monica's house. She woke up with a start, remembering that she was supposed to be sleeping over Money's house and how pissed off she would be when she called. Which is why Sevyn had Malcolm stop at McDonalds to get Monica a breakfast before she arrived at her house. Even the tempting smell of greasy hashbrowns didn't fix the frown on Monica's face when she opened the door.

Sevyn sighs and squints through the bright sun shining in her eyes. "I have a good excuse as to why I forgot to come over last night." Monica purses her lips and tilts her head to the side, scrutinizing her friend standing in the doorway as she waits for the excuse. Sevyn takes a deep breath and puts her hands on Monica's shoulder to brace her for the big news. "Jackson and I kissed last night."

Monica's already wide eyes gets five times bigger and her mouth drops like a fish. She grabs Sevyn by her arm and yanks her into the house before dragging her up the stairs to her room. Sevyn stumbles over the steps trying to keep up with Monica's fast pace. She's thrown into the room while Monica slams the door shut and just stares at her for a moment before bursting out in a shrill squeal of excitement. "TELL ME EVERYTHING AND DONT LEAVE ANYTHING OUT!"

"You're so loud shut up." Sevyn laughs, worried that Monica's parents may walk in any minute.

"I don't care, tell me everything. Go go go!" Monica exclaims eagerly, she sits down cross-legged on the bed, her face practically glowing with excitement. The resentment she was feeling towards Sevyn earlier has melts away.

Sevyn laughs and starts pacing the room while telling Monica everything. The whole time she talks, Monica is hanging on her every word like it's the best story she's ever heard in her life. She smiles hard and almost turns red when Sevyn finally gets to the part about Jackson kissing her in the kitchen. Sevyn feels giddy as she listens to her self replay the events of yesterday afternoon. She woke up this morning with butterflies in her stomach, wondering what Jackson has planned for this afternoon.

Monica shakes her head in amazement, "I can't even believe you Sev. A few weeks ago you couldnt stand Jackson, you dogged him all the time and pushed him away. Now you're swapping spit with him."

"Ew, do you have to say it like that?" Sevyn grimaces.

Monica giggles, "Ya little nasties." She grabs the bag of McDonalds off the floor and digs her hand inside. "Alright so whats the plan today since Jackson is taking you out later?"

"Anything you want since I did skip out on you last night." Sevyn lays down on the bed and buries her chin into the pillow. She kicks her legs in the air and starts wondering when Jackson is gonna call her so they go out. She hopes he's not planning something cliche like a dinner and a movie. That's boring and over used. Fingers being snapped in her face breaks her concentration and Sevyn looks up at Monica who's staring at her expectantly. "Huh?"

Monica gives her a blank face, "You didn't listen to anything I just said, did you?" Sevyn shakes her head sheepishly and Monica gives her a sly smile. "Ooh girl you're crushing hard."

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