Chapter 4

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Keenan and Sevyn pull up to school and claim a parking spot as close to the doors as possible. Sevyn stares up at the building in front of them, not sure whether she's excited or dreading this school year. She watches as school buses pull into their lanes, unloading all the familiar and unfamiliar students. Some are beaming from ear to ear, others are frowning and yawning as they climb the few stairs to the doors.

"Junior year, here we come." Keenan says, smiling at her. He puts his palm out towards Sevyn and she grins before slapping her hand into his. Together, they open their doors and get ready to face Marian Parker Magnet. Just as Sevyn is about to set a foot out of the car, her door slams shut and she gasps sharply at the fact that she almost lost a foot.

"SENIORS UP IN THIS PIECE!" Shaun yells loudly, grinning at Sevyn through the window. Corey and her brothers are right behind him, pumping their fists in the air. Rolling her eyes, Sevyn opens the door with extra force, hitting Shaun right in the stomach. "Ouch, why you so violent?" He asks.

"Why are you so obnoxious?" She retorts, stepping out the car and closing the door. She swings her book bag on to one shoulder as Shaun slings his arm around the other.

"It's the first day of school, I'm just spreading my happiness." He tells her. She rolls her eyes as Keenan appears by her other side, taking her hand and pulling her out of Shaun's hold and closer to his side. "Uh-oh, hubby alert." Shaun backs away with his hands up.

The group laughs before continuing across the parking lot and up the dozen steps to the doors. Once they step inside, the familiar school atmosphere swallows Sevyn up. The squeaking of new sneakers, the frantic freshmen, the loud squealing of girls and the strong smell of axe mixed with hair grease. Yup, summer vacation is definitely over.

Once they've pushed through the crowd of people to the six tables in the hallways and grabbed their schedules, the group of friends stand off to the side of the hallway near the lockers and water fountains to compare schedules. Sevyn is happy to see that she shares three classes with Keenan, Algebra 2, History and Chemistry. Since her brothers and Corey were juniors last year, she's about to ask them their opinion about all the teachers when a familiar voice cuts her off.

"BEST FRIENNND!" A thick puerto rican accented voice yells. Sevyn spins around quickly and beams as Monica sprints down the hallway. Sevyn takes off towards her and they meet in the middle, clashing into a big hug. "Babydoll I missed you!" Monica squeals, using the nickname she gave her when they first met and Monica insisted she had the facial features of a doll.

"I missed you too Money," Sevyn squeezes her best friend tightly.

 "Puerto Rico is nice and everything but I miss my home town and you," Monica says while pulling back from Sevyn. "You look cute, you're gonna let me borrow those jeans right?"

"As usual." Sevyn replies. "But you're looking cute too. Showing off that tan." Monica smiles and dramatics flips her red hair over her shoulder. She's wearing cut off shorts with a pink tie front button down shirt and gold flats. 

As the girls check each other out after not seeing each other in person for a whole month, the boys come over to join the conversation. Shaun grabs Monica around her waist and lifts her a few inches off the ground, hugging her close to his chest. "I missed you too Monica." He tells her, nuzzling his nose in her neck.

"I missed y'all too." She says sweetly and a second her smiles disappear as she turns her head to glare at him. "Now put me down."

"Alright dang," he tells her, setting her down on her feet and copping a feel on her ass. "You got thick up in Puerto Rico tho. When you gonna let me smash?"

She punches him in the chest, "How about never? You know I don't swing for your team."

Shaun just sucks his teeth, "Just lemme get one stroke and I swear you'll be swinging for my team by the end of the night."

"Boy, thirst is not attractive." Monica gives him the hand and faces Sevyn again. They've been best friends ever since they met in eighth grade when Monica socked a boy in the nose for cutting off a piece of Sevyn's hair when she wasn't looking. She's a bold little Latina with a big mouth who's down for her friends. Sevyn calls her her little firecracker cuz she's ready to pop off on anyone at any time. Not to mention that Monica is only about 5'2 with dark red hair like a red velvet cupcake. Don't let her cute looks fool you though. Get on her bad side and you'll be in tears faster that you can take a breath.

In tenth grade, Monica admitted to Sevyn that she was a lesbian during one of their many sleep overs. To her surprise, Sevyn seemed unphased by her confession. Maybe it was because Monics had boys falling all over her yet she didn't even take a second glance at any of them. She knew better than to make a move on Sevyn though, not that she would anyway. They've been friends for too long to let her sexual orientation mess up their friendship and make things awkward.

It's not like Sevyn finds it weird having Monica around or anything either 'cuz she acts like every other girl in the world. She just happens to like the same gender. Which sucks for the dehydrated boys out here.

"Y'all a trip." Malcolm says, shaking his head as the laughter dies down.

"Come on Sev, lets go to our lockers and test out these combinations before the first bell rings." Monica says, grabbing her friends wrist.

"Alright," Sevyn waves goodbye to Keenan before following Monica down the hallway to the locker wing. As they walk, Monica tells Sevyn about her trip in Puerto Rico.

"It was so crazy. Like as soon as we touched down, the heat just hit me cuz the plane was so cool. Girl I got a tan in like 2.5 seconds, it was gorgeous out." She gushes, her eyes dancing with excitement. "And then we went site seeing and went to the beach. The water was beautiful, like crystal clear an the sand was literally sparkling. Man Sev I wish you were there. After we graduate next year, were goin on a trip to Puerto Rico. Just me and you."

Sevyn smiles at the thought of chilling Puerto Rico, sipping out of coconuts with her best friend. "So what about that boy you were telling me about? What happened with him?"

Monica smirks and pulls out her iPhone. She unlocks it and goes to her picture, pulling up one of her and a boy sitting on the porch of a house, drinking out of huge cups. "That's Carlos, he gave me some kind of fruity drink. I forgot the name of it though." Monica tells Sevyn as she swipes through the pictures. She laughs at one of Carlos wearing one of Monica's bathing suit tops.

"His name is Carlos and he was fine! He had super tanned skin with silky hair and green eyes. Oh and that body...gahdamn. I may not go for the opposite sex but I know a cute nigga when I see him. Once I admitted I was a les he told me I was too pretty and that he would try to turn me straight. He was mad chill and funny Sev, he woulda been perfect for you."

"Monica, I'm dating Keenan. Remember?" Sevyn hands her phone back.

"You can do better." Monica states bluntly. Sevyn sighs, here they go again. Monica used to like Keenan and Sevyn as a couple. But after a while it seemed like Keenan wore the pants in the relationship instead of both of them. He was always babbling about his imaginary record deal while Sevyn is just on the sidelines cheering him on. She has no clue what Sevyn sees in him.

They reach the locker wing and start searching for their lockers. Sevyn finds hers in a short period of time and has to shove a few people out the way to get to it. Monica groans, "My locker must be on the other side. I'll get to it later."

"Alright," Sevyn replies after testing her locker combo then slamming it shut. Together, they walk down the hallway to the classes. "I have French first period. What about you?"

"Physics," Monica groans. "Lemme go before I'm late. Adios chica,"

"Byeee," Sevyn waves. She turns and walks into her French class. The desk are set up in more of an oval shape than a circle, the pale blue walls are covered in posters with words she doesn't recognize and pictures of the Eiffel tower, and there's a tea set in the corner of the room, complete with little white china cups and plates. "This might actually be fun this year." Sevyn mutters to herself before walking farther into the room and sitting down at on the desks.

For the next ten minutes, students file into the room and fill up the oval. Sevyn greets the familiar people and studies people to see how they changed over the summer. Most are darker, many girls have block braids now, the boys got fresh hair cuts and new sneakers and almost everyone looks like they're dreading being in school right now.

The bell finally rings and the door shut. A tall and skinny lady with long blonde hair and bright brown eyes walks into the middle of the circle. She's wearing a purple peplum top with black pants and heels. She looks around the room before opening her mouth. Words tumble out her mouth in a foreign language that everyone has been learning since they started school here, yet can barely say a full sentence.

The lady closes her mouth and looks around. "Can anyone tell me what I just said?" She asks.

"Yo lemme pull out my phone and google translate that real quick." A boy named Jackson Daniels says. His lips quirked up in a smirk as the girls giggle. He's probably one of the best looking boys in 11th grade with his mocha skin tone, nicely set waves, gorgeous wide eyes and perfect full lips. Sevyn had the worst crush on him in middle school until she realized he was way out of her league. He had girls fawning after him and used it to his advantage. He could have any girl he wanted with the blink of those dreamy eyes, which meant he was the type of guy Sevyn needed to stay away from him. Guys like that are nothing but trouble.

Jackson glances over at Sevyn and winks, his lips still smirking at her. She gives him a disgusted look before turning her gaze away from him. The teacher is still standing in the middle of the floor.

"By the end of the second marking period. You all will be able to do what I just did and you'll do it fluently." She says with her hands on her hips. "Good morning everyone, I am Madame Chauncey and I will be your French III teacher this year." She says with a pearly white smile. "Now lets go around the room and you can introduce yourselves."

"WE THE CLASS OF 2015 HOMIE!" Another boy named Darell Mitchell shouts and the class cracks up, clapping and shouting in agreement.

Mrs. Chauncey nods her head and smiles, her gaze locked on Darell. " say it in French."

Darell's face blanches and the class laughs again. Sevyn cracks up as Darell take out his phone and goes on to google translate. Hopefully this class stays this fun throughout the year.

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