Chapter 32

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"I want her, I get her don't need her
Change them like seasons, fall off when I leave her
Yeah I'm cashing out, and I'm riding with that Nina
Dick game ether, she does speaking no English (Ariba!)"

Ty half listens to Tyga rapping in his ear and half listens to Shaun babbling in his other ear. His focus is mainly on Talia who's standing near the water fountains with her friends. She didnt answer either of the texts he sent her yesterday and he has a limit on how many times he'll text a girl before moving on to the next. He broke his two text limit and text her four times without receiving an answer.

Now usually he would shrug it off and go persue some other girl but Talia's different. He already knows she's not gonna get jealous if he's hanging with other girls. She could honestly care less and would do the same thing back to him with another guy. That's what keeps him interested. Ty likes breaking down a girls hard exterior until they're begging him not to go. He usually cuts ties though because then they start catching feelings and gettin all sentimental. Ty likes variety and will settle down when he's old and has to use Viagra.

Talia says something to her friends before waving goodbye to them and making her way down the hallway. He watches as she walks with a switch in her hips and her head down staring at her phone. Her jeans hug her in all the right places and the yellow shirt she's wearing makes her skin glow. Ty pauses his music and takes out his headphone. "I'll be right back." He tells his friends before sauntering after Talia. He keeps his face calm and relaxed so no one thinks he's striving to catch up with her.

He pulls on her arm lightly and she whips her head around, ready to swing on whoever's touching her. Her face softens when she sees Ty. "Oh, hey."

"So you're just gonna ignore a nigga and pretend you didn't get my text?" He asks her, putting his hands in his pockets.

Talia purses her lips, "I ain't pretending. I already knew what you wanted and I wasn't in the mood for you."

"Since when are you not in the mood for me?" Ty asks.

Talia stops dead in her tracks and turns to face him. Her brown eyes crinkle angrily and her eyebrows scrunch together. "Whatchu tryin to say? That I'm you're little hoe now?"

"Nah that's not what I'm sayin. But if the shoes fits..." He shrugs his shoulders.

"That's your problem Ty. You think every girl is so desperate to have you when I can honestly do without your conceited ass." She tells him, her glossed lips turned into scowl.

Ty stares down at Talia and sighs. "Where is all this coming from? We were fine last week."

"Yeah last week, when I was dumb enough to sleep with you multiple times. I saw you all over Alexis at Macy's party and I realized that all you want is to get up in my panties. News flash, I'm not your booty call that's gonna come running when you're horny." She states with a hand on her hip.

Ty makes a face at her, "You sure could have proved me wrong the way you were begging me to stay last time. Now you here complaining like we a couple or something but we're not."

Something flashes in Talia's eyes and she looks down at the ground in shame, swiping her brown bangs out her eyes. "It's time to grow up Ty. This isn't fun anymore." She tells him and he sucks his teeth in response.

"Whatever Talia" He back away from her and goes back to his friends. Usually he doesn't care when a girl starts pushing him away, but Talias words really dwell in his mind.

Grow up. Why does everyone want to grow up so quickly? What happened to living while you're young and enjoying every second of life? He'll be in college next year. He'll be a man out on his own. What's so bad about wanting to have a little fun before he has to buckle down and get serious? Girls always stunt the fun before it can even get started.

"Damn bro, you got smoked." Shaun says appearing next to him with Corey and Malcolm.

"Shut up, she's just mad cuz I'm not deep in my feelings like she is. Girls kill me with that emotional shit." Ty says as they walk.

Shaun shrugs, "Maybe it's a period thing, who knows." He says. "If you want I can hook you up with Sasha. She just broke up with her boyfriend and needs a shoulder to cry on." He winks.

Behind them, Corey and Malcolm exchange a look. Both of them wondering how they're even friends with Shaun. He can sleep with and dump a girl in the matter of three hours like its nothing. Ty at least holds on to the girl for a few days before cutting her loose.

"Nah I'm straight for now." Ty says appreciatively.

Shaun shrugs, "Suit yourself.

Ty chuckles and puts his headphones back in, letting the music numb his mind.

In Chemistry Jackson grabs Sevyn as his lab partner before anyone else could. "Are you even good at Chemistry?" She asks him while pulling on her safety goggles.

"Nope, are you?" He asks, turning her around and tying up her apron.

"I have an A in this class but sometimes I barely know what I'm supposed to be doing for labs." She tells him.

Jackson holds up a piece of paper. "That's why we have instructions sweetheart." Sevyn rolls her eyes and snatches the paper out his hands to read over the instructions. He laughs and stands next to her to look over the sheet. He glances at her out the corner of his eye and can't help but smirk a little. Ever since the party she's been nicer to him and they can actually have a whole conversation without her trying to push him away. He's made significant progress with her, she actually smiles around him and accepts Jackson as a friend.

He's careful not to come on too strong to Sevyn seen as how she just got out of a messy break up. But he can't help but like her more and more each day. Something about the way she acts so independent makes him want her even more and show her that she can use him to lean on if she ever needs to.

"Stop staring at me." Sevyn snaps her fingers in front of his face, breaking him out of his thoughts. He blinks, coming back to reality. She laughs and smushes the paper into his face, "Go get the beaker of water, I'll get the test tubes."

"Yes ma'am," he says, saluting her before walking off towards the sink. Sevyn laughs and watches him walk away before going to the counter and grabbing a rack of beakers. When they return to their seats they read over the procedure to create different chemical reactions using different solutions.

"Remember, don't sniff or taste any of this stuff unless you want to pass out and or die." She reminds him.

Jackson purses her lips, "I got more common sense than that sweetheart."

"Don't call me that." She orders, glaring at him.

Jackson smirks, "Alright...Sweetheart."

Sevyn sighs and dips her hand in the beaker of water and flicks the droplets at him. He jumps out his seat like it's chemicals coming into contact with his skin and Sevyn laughs. He grins at her, enjoying the beautiful smile on her face.

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