Chapter 3

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An annoying buzzing sound is ruining Sevyn's sleep. It's shaking her pillow and making the rest of her dreams slowly fade away. She tries to ignore it but it stops for only a second before buzzing again. Irritated, she throws the pillow off her head and reaches next to her to grab her cell phone. She answers it without looking at the screen, too tired to even open her eyes. "What!?" She snaps angrily into the phone.

"Hold up, who are you answering like that?" Keenan says on the other line, causing her to smile at his attitude.

"I'm sorry bae, but seriously, what do you want?" She asks.

"Whatchu mean what do I want? Girl it's 6:00, get your lazy butt up for school." He replies and Sevyn groans, pulling the screen from her ear and looking at the time. She gasps loudly when she reads that it's only 5:40.

"I still have twenty minutes to sleep!" Sevyn exclaims. "Monday morning and you're distrubing my sleep, knowing damn well I need those extra minutes."

Keenan cracks up on the other side and Sevyn covers her face with a pillow again. "Come one Sev, you know it takes you a long time to get out of bed on the first day. Remember last year when we were late on the first day. I had to lie and say we got a flat tire." They both laugh at the memory of rushing into school looking dishevled because Sevyn over slept. "Now get up."

Sevyn groans loudly, kicking the covers off her body. "Fine, but you better be bringing me some of your moms banana nut muffins and don't even try to lie and say she didnt make any."

"You stay doggin her muffins." Keenan laughs, "I'll see you in a little bit."

"Yeah, whatever." Sevyn ends the call and tosses her phone to the foot of her bed before rolling over and pulling the blankets back over her head. She closes her eyes again, "Twenty more minutes..."

Those twenty minutes passed way faster than Sevyn hoped they would. Next thing she knows, Ty and Malcolm are busting into her room making a beat on her wall with their fist. To make things worse, Ty starts singing, "Sevyn, it's time to get up. Cuz if you get left we dont give a---"

"Oooh shut yo mouth!" Malcolm cuts him off playfully singing along. Sevyn starts kicking the sheets off her legs, rolling across her bed and whining as they continue singing. "If you dont get up now you're gonna start the first day looking a messss,"

"And we gon laugh at your ratchetnesss!" Ty adds on. Sevyn can't help but laugh at their stupid rhyme as they continue making a beat on her door and humming. She finally sits up and watch as they dance around her room, banging on the wall, tv, mirror and anything else with a hard surface. She laughs when their mom walks in, holding a spatula in her hand.

"If yall don't stop that noise I'ma kick yall out the house and you can start the first day in your pajamas. Or your birthday suit...I could care less." She warns them. Sevyn laughs as her brothers finally stop all the noise and stand perfectly still. Her mother gives them a smug look, "Come downstairs and eat breakfast cuz I'm not waking up early to feed yall again." She eyes them to show that she means it before leaving.

Ty looks at Sevyn and smirks, "Did you enjoy your wake up call?"

"No, get out!" She shouts, throwing a pillow at him. He dodges it and it smacks Malcolm in the face. "Yall are so annoying in the morning."

"She mad cuz her little boyfriend doesn't have beats as good as ours." Malcolm says, Ty starts cracking up and Sevyn rolls her eyes, climbing out of bed and walking towards the bathroom. Malcolm follows her down the hall and puts an arm around her. "We're just playin Sev." He laughs.

She shrugs, "I know, I'm not worryin' about yall. But you might wanna brush your teeth, you're killing me with that morning breath." She says, waving her hand infront of her face.

Nobody's Business (BOOK ONE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora