Chapter 35

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"Yo what we gettin in to Jackson?" Michael Lewis asks turning around in his seat to face Jackson. They're sitting in math class with 15 minutes standing between them and the weekend. Everyone is buzzing about their plans for the weekend instead of doing the worksheet that the teacher passed out.

"Nothin bro, I got plans." Jackson replies.

Michael snorts, "You ain't trying to hang at the club or basketball courts? Something ain't right." He looks his friends up and down trying to figure out what's gotten into him. A smile stretches across his face, "Oh it's some girl isn't it?"

Jackson tries to fight the smile but it breaks through anyway and he laughs into his fist, avoiding eye contact. Michael grins harder, "Oh shit, who's the lucky honey getting a piece of JD? Is it Sevyn?" Jackson laughs in reply and Michael nods his head. "Yup it's Sevyn. You been spending mad time with her".

"Don't be extra, we talk and text and stuff but we haven't hung out since last Saturday." Jackson argues.

"Booty got you tripping huh?" Michael asks and Jackson burst out laughing, earning him a warning look from their teacher. "Nah but for real you tryin to smash?"

Jackson shakes his head, "Chill nigga you stay horny. I'm just tryin to get close for now, she's been through alot this week and I don't wanna rush things. She made it clear that she's not putting up with any games anyway."

Michael sucks his teeth. "Oh is she one of those "not like the rest" type girls?" He asks with pursed lips and flat eyes. Jackson thinks about Sevyn and how she really is different than most girls. While others worry about their hair and fake nails Sevyn is more worried about her grades and if the volleyball team will win a trophy this year. She prides her self on being the best that she can be and working to her full potential. She doesn't let outside forces knock her down. She's stronger than the other girls who like to feign weakness.

"She's headstrong and independent, a little different than what I'm used to. I like a challenge though," Jackson smirks confidently.

"I respect that," Michael says while dapping him . "Not alot of girls stand out these days. Everyone's tryin to be different but the end up looking the same."

Jackson has never heard anything so true before. Thankfully the bell rings and Jackson can get out of this stuffy classroom.

"Have a good weekend and dont forget Tuesday's test." Mr. Jacobs calls out as the students quickly pack up and rush out the room. He gives Michael a head nod of goodbye before grabbing his notebook and leaving.

Two hours later Jackson's butt is almost numb from sitting in the bleachers for so long. He stayed after school to watch Sevyn at volleyball practice. Watching her reminds him of himself when he plays basketball. They both strive to do their best and please their coach, they give advice to their fellow players and congratulate them when they do a good job. They bring energy to the court that everyone can feel in the room. Sevyn looks so happy to be bouncing around the court keeping that white ball airborne.

"Dammmn," Jackson exclaims as she jumps and spikes the ball over the net. It slams into the floor and the girls on her side cheer and high five her. She beams and accepts the praise modestly, running her fingers through her hair to get it off her sweaty forehead.

"She's good huh?" Monica pops up next to him, making him jump.

"Yeah," he says slowly. "Why are you creeping around?"

"I'm not the one creeping around you're the one sitting here watching my girl bounce around in spandex and a tank top." She teases, her red hair making her look even more devious than usual.

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