Trust No One

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The whole place is flashing red and the alarm won't stop buzzing. Karl tries to get himself off the bed but his injury is too much and Winnie has to catch his fall. Blood drip from his wrapped torso and Winnie puts her hand to stop the bleeding.

"Please stay still. Let me get it fix real quick."

Karl stops her.

"Where's my weapon?"
"We are leaving this place and trust me, things about to get worse."

She grabs Karl's gun and his katana then Karl quickly get her out of the building. They manage to sneak past most guards and personnel and eventually out of the building. But soon, they found out that the whole city is in chaos with Lars's face is all over the screen. 

"You know him?"
"Yeah. What is happening?"
"He was kept in a prison with the maximum level security. No one has escaped from it"
"Until now."

They went into the dark alley so that they won't get caught by the patrollers. Suddenly, he collapses. The bleeding is getting worse and Winnie tries to patch his wound with all the bandages she brought. Out of a sudden, the guards found them.

"Put your hands up!"
"Please, he's bleeding!"
"You have betrayed the country by helping the enemy!"

A group of hooded men jumps off the roof and slaughters every single guard. One of the hooded men recognize Karl and unveil himself.

"It is good to see you too, Karl."

Then, unexpectedly Lars shows up and points his gun at Connor. The others try to help but Sax appears behind them and paralyzes them with his power.

"Get your hands off him. He's mine."
"What if I say no?"
"You could try."

Karl interferes.

"Stop! Lars put your gun down!"
"Why should I?"
"You are pointing it at Jake's son."
"What..!? Does he knows about this?"
"Anyway Karl, you forgot the first rules I have taught you a long time ago."
"Trust no one."
"Exactly and you have to come with. Jake's kid joined the resistance group and whatever they have planned, is not good. Sax..."
"Alright, please hold your breath."

Sax holds on to three of them and disappears into thin air. Then, they appear somewhere they are unexpecting of. A friendly neighborhood. The whole housing area doesn't seem to be affected by the apocalypse, at all. All three of them are surprised to see what they saw especially Lars because he recognizes the house infront of him. 

"How long has it is been, Lars? Forty years?"
"I never thought I would see this house once more in my life."
"This is the only area I requested from the Queen that must not be affected by the DIE virus. Welcome back, Lars."

Karl is confused and ask.

"What do you mean by 'welcome back'"?
"Karl....this is where I was born and raised. I left this house when I was sixteen and secretly faked my age to join the agency of spies. There were four of us in this house. Our mother. Actually, she adopted us when we were just an infant. Then..."

Sax intervenes...

"Catherine. Same age as Lars and a lovely lady she was. Then, Lars, the only one who looked up to me when he was a kid."

Lars pulls Sax and threatening him...

"The day you 'killed' us both, is the day that you are dead to me!"
"Seems like you are very much alive to threatening me right now."
"Yeah. Here I am. Finish the job then, brother."

Brother? Karl can't believe that Sax is Lars's brother. Why he never told him about his past? He knows everything about Karl but not even one person on this planet knows anything about Lars except for Sax. Then, a sound of a door is being opened by someone and they all turn to see...

"What's with the noise in here? Oh, Sax, how long have you been here?"
"Just a moment ago, Ma."

Lars lets go of Sax and slowly approaches the elderly lady. She looks like she is in her 90s and barely able to walk with her cane. When she saw Lars is approaching her, she smiles...

"Welcome home, son."

A tear is flowing from her right eye as she can't hold it back after seeing her long lost son after forty years. They all went into the house and sits at the kitchen while a woman can be seen is preparing for the tea time. As soon as she heard the guests have entered the house, she turns around. She puts her hand on her mouth and surprised. So does Lars.

"Lars?! Is that really you?"

She rushes towards him and immediately hugs him.

"Where have you been!? You idiot!"
"Please tell me what is happening here?"

She lets go of Lars and take a deep sigh.

"Lars, do you still remember that night?"
"Every single day of my life."
"And for the past forty years, you must have thought that I have been killed by Sax isn't it?"
"You were dead in my arms! I was holding you but then that bastard [pointing at Sax] shot me! When I woke up, I was in a hospital, in the United States."

Ma cuts their conversation and serves them tea and biscuits. 

"Forty years of away makes you forget what is the rule of this house? No bad words!"

Catherine laughs as Ma slaps Lars hand like he was just a child he was back then. Without their realization, Sax has already disappeared once more and taking Karl with him. They arrived at a park where blossom trees are everywhere.

"Ok, what the fuck is this Sax!?"
"Trust me, you are the only one who can help me right now. But first, you have got to help me?"
"Why the fuck do I have to help you after the things you have done!? I almost die!"

Sax punches Karl chest so hard that his heart suddenly stops beating.

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