Fallen City

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A soldier taps at Jake's shoulder and he does the same thing for the man in front. Then, hanger door open and they all jump without a parachute. The sight from the above is gruesome as the city is under attack. Thousands of soldiers are parachuting out of their aircraft. Jake tries to stabilize himself with his power but since he hasn't reached his full control over his power, he faces turbulence mid-air. He lands a terrible way onto the ground. Frank catches and stops him from rolling further down.

"You're doing good, lad."

Jake get himself up and grabs his rifle then make a run to the attack point. He can't believe what is happening. This is more than just an attack. This is war. The Chinese are proven too much strong for them as they fortified their fortress which makes it harder to take down by just sheer force. Dubbed as the Great Wall, the resilience is undeniably superb. Lead by their country's guardian, ERLONG they are an impenetrable fortress. Frank and Jake have no choice but to move forward and get closer to the wall. After battling an endless swarm of armies, they have reached the wall but ERLONG aware of their presence. A light can be seen illuminated from the throat of the guardian and it is climbing towards the mouth of the guardian. 

"Oh shit."

The Guardian fires a blazing flame breath towards them and they are lucky that they can get away but part of their clothes got caught in the fire

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The Guardian fires a blazing flame breath towards them and they are lucky that they can get away but part of their clothes got caught in the fire. Then, they realize that the breath is also corrosive and they remove it immediately. 

"What the fuck!?"
"Scared of the fire, Jake?"

The Guardian lifts off with his gigantic wings and begins to assault from the above. Most of the soldier got caught in the fire and most of their bodies are dissolved by the corrosive breath. However, some of the soldiers manage to reach the wall. One of the soldiers who introduces himself as the commanding officer, tells them to climb the wall with their mutant's power.

"Here, let me give you a lift Frank."

Frank able to leap across the wall with the help of Jake's power and then Jake climbs all the way up by himself. Once there, he couldn't believe what he saw. 

"What is this? This is too much

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"What is this? This is too much."

Planes are bombing from the air and troops are marching across the city. Killing everything in their path. He jumps off the wall and gets even more surprised to see piles of citizen's dead bodies in every corner of the city. Then, he hears a cry of a little kid....

"A kid...!?"

He follows the voice and the voice is getting closer as he reaches the center of the city. It was just a mutant who imitate the sound of a helpless crying kid. The mutant leaps towards him and pins on Jake. Jake pushes the mutant off and begins towering him down with all his might. The mutant's body is beyond recognition and causes Jake's hand to bleed after series of punches. Then, someone is clapping behind him.

"Bravo, Jake. Seems like you have your power back."

Jake pulls Frank and presses him against the wall.

"What the fuck is this war for!?"
"Like I said. 'Liberation'."
"Does this looks like liberation to you!?"
"Behind every great achievement, lies sacrifices."
"This is insane. This is FUCKING MADNESS!!"

Then, a man points his gun at Jake's head from behind.

"Put him down, lad."

It was their commanding officer. Jake gives a glance towards him and eventually let go of Frank.

"The war is over. We have won."
"Won? What are the rewards, sir? A pint of beers and dozens of tits suffocating your pathetic life?"
"Watch your mouth, soldier!"
"You have been manipulated by the queen."
"Seize him!"

The soldiers begin to surround him and hold him down and Jake tries to resist as much as he can but to no avail since the officer knocks him cold with a hard hit. The commanding officer receives a call and he answers it.

"A prisoner has escaped from the agency. I repeat, a prisoner has escaped from the agency. The queen requires everyone to be stationed here. Now."
"Any information about the prisoner."
"Level 5 Alert."
"Level 5 Alert!? A guardian!?"
"I'm afraid not. His name is.....Lars Wayton."

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