Unexpected Visitors #1

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One of the guards got kicked out of the building through the door and the duo emerge from it unscathed.

"Told them not to piss me."
"Well, at least they had it coming."

Raphael walk away from the building and Lars stop him. He shakes his father's hand off and continue to walk.


Lars pulls his shirt from the back and with sudden pace, Raphael swings a kick towards his father, only to be stop by Lars with his other hand.

"You're a gifted fighter, Lars. Why would you waste it!?"
"Son, this is more of a curse than gift. I ran to Brazil so that I would stop fighting! I raised you to be a normal kid so that you won't become me!"
"I know who you are. Everyone know who you are. A fugitive. A mutant."
"Don't start it, Ralph!"

Raphael spits on the ground, plugs in earphone into his ears. and leave Jake and Lars behind. But suddenly, they heard a loud noise far from distance.

"Lars, what is it?!"
"Sounds like a plane...."

Then, a horde of planes soar above their town and begins to drop bombs on them. Lars immediately look at Raphael.

 Lars immediately look at Raphael

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A bomb dropped not far from Raphael and the blast send him off against the nearby building. Then, more bombs are coming at them and they begin to run towards Raphael. Miraculously, he is still alive and well even though the wall has torn down. Lars pick him up and they look at their town suffers endless bombardment from all the planes in dismay.


Lars runs straight to his house where his wife and daughters are still there. Jake and Raphael are tagging along to save Lars's family. To his horror, their house are on fire and begin to crumble down. Lars storms into the burning house and looks for them. He calls out their names, but no answer.


The heat and blazes are preventing Jake and Raphael from helping Lars. Lars hear a faint voice calling for his name. It was from the kitchen. There, he saw one of his daughters are burned alive by the burning pillars that pinned her. It was Gabriela. He removes the pillar off her daughter's body and carries it on his shoulder. Not far from him, he saw his wife with her legs got blown off by the bombs and she is barely alive.

"No, no, no! This is not happening!!"

Next to her wife are his daughter, Elizabeth with half of her body torn into pieces due the bombs too. He carries all of them to outside and lay them down on the ground. Her wife, with her last breathe, whispers to him.

"Please take care of Ralph...."

She dies at his hands. He cries and hugs all of them as they have gone forever. Raphael falls to the ground as he couldn't believe what had just happened to his family. Jake grabs onto Lars and calming him down.

"They have gone, Lars...."

With all the angers and frustration, he went straight to the place where most of the soldiers are deployed from the helicopter. The soldiers aren't expect what is coming to them. Suddenly, Lars appears in front of them and he squeeze one of the soldiers throat. He tears it out and begins to slaughter everyone in sight. Jake and Raphael grab one of the fallen rifles and begin to shoot at the enemies. Lars is taking them down furiously and slowly his power is back at full capacity. He uses his psychic and to compress them into one lump of meat. The enemy soon realized that they are in trouble and retreat to their helicopter. Their pilots are firing at Lars with their chopper. Jake grabs Lars and cover behind one of the building.

"Calm down!"
"I'll kill them all....I'll kill every, single, one, of them...."

Lars jumps high enough to reach the top of the building where they were cover, and rush towards the leaving choppers. He destroy most of the chopper. One of the two last remaining choppers are already leaving the area but another one got caught by Lars and he slaughters everyone inside. Jake and Raphael get into the chopper and they are chasing the escaping aircraft. After chasing the chopper for quite a distance, the backups arrived and they are firing against the group. Thanks to Lars's piloting skill, they able to outmaneuver most of the attacks except for the tailing missile behind them. It hit the tail and the chopper are split in half. They are falling from the air since they lost control of the chopper and the chopper crash onto the thick jungle.

The enemy assumed that they won't survive the fall and leave the scene.

After few hours later, Jake wake up and he found himself is unharmed from the crash. He looks around and he found Lars is weeping with his face down the ground. Then, Jake is looking out for Raphael and start to call his name.


No answer.

"I've lost everything, Jake....."

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