Unexpected Visitors #3

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With hundreds are injured and dozens of dead bodies are piling up throughout the town, it is a horrific scenery for the people of Haven. Red is carrying Wayne's covered dead body and present it to Lucil, Wayne's only child. The moment she unveils it, she couldn't bring herself down. Renee quickly hold her in her arms and calming her down.....

[Doc & Karl]

Doc walks into one of the infirmary and he found shirtless Karl with his wounds is treated by one of the nurses. They begin to clean his wound with gentle dabs of antibacterial. Then, they wrap his head with bandages.

"Luckily you survived, Karl."
"Pfft. If the time couldn't kill me, nothing will."
"Thank you. For protecting us."
"It is my job to protect."
"You weren't the same Karl I met twenty years ago. Back then, all you want are to kill. Humans, mutants, hybrids, you name it. You were never killing for protection. It was for the thirst for blood."
"People change, but not the memories. Our parents were killed by the government decades ago and the only thing in my mind was to slaughter them all. Every single one of them. I ate dirt, I bleed, I fought so that Renee will life the life she prolonged to. Peace. It was all changed the day I met Lars."
"I was trying to kill him. And at that moment, it was the first time I met someone from the government that was having hope on humanity. It was only him. Dave, Michael.....Tyler. They were all maniacs. I remembered the day that Tyler was aiming his gun directly at me. 'Kill or be killed.' he said. For a fifteen years old boy, it wasn't suppose to be the code to live by but I didn't have a choice."
"An interesting story, Karl."
"Tch. Whatever."

Suddenly, a wounded official is approaching Doc with a news.

"Mr President."
"At ease, soldier."
"Sir. There were two people requesting for your presence at your office. Now."
"Karl, with me."
"Sir, he said only you. No one else."
"Do I look like I give a damn?"
"No, sir."
"Carry on."
"Sir, yes sir!"

Karl grabs his katana and accompany Doc to his office. There, most of the guards are knocked out cold and the door to his office are wide open with two cloaked men are sitting at his office. Karl draws his weapon but immediately got stopped by one of the men and disarm him. Karl tries to fight back, only to be pinned down. Another one move with the speed of a blink of eye, and shuts Doc's mouth.

"I will let you go, okay?"

Doc nods and he slowly moves his hand. They take their hood off.

"And Lars!?"

[Red, Devil & Ghost]

"I want everyone to scatter and find any survivors!"
"Sir, yes sir!"

Devil tells Red and Ghost to search throughout the western forest while he search the eastern part. The deeper he ventures, he closer he can feel the presence of survivor. Only one faint pulse. But his instinct tells him that it is not a human. A mutant? Or a hybrid? He needs to get closer to find out. Suddenly, someone leaps from the bushes and strike on him. He draws his gun but the attacker able to disarm him with a quick reaction. The two engage in hand-to-hand combat. Devil is clearly get the upper-hand as the attacker has already wounded before he attacked Devil. Devil cuffs him by bending metal around his arm and escort him to the jail. Later, he met the others and report.

"One survivor."
"Could you be more specific?"
"A hybrid."
"A hybrid!? Did he has a name?"
"Yes. Raphael."

[Lena McGrady]

"It has been awhile since we were here."
"How long has it been? Three years? Two?"
"No idea but the town looks devastated. Not a good sign."

Lena and Ray, along with people they brought are going into the town and they see bodies are everywhere. Lena is greeted by Mark and he is surprised to see Lena after such a long time.

"Welcome back, Lena."
"Is it good to be back. What was happening here?"
"We were attacked by unknown forces but luckily we were able to survive with minimal casualties."
"Any other news?"
"You might want to go the president's office. There is something happening there."

They immediately went to Doc's office and storm through the locked door by bringing it down.


Then, an elderly man go to the front and facing Jake.

"It has been a long time, Jake....."

Jake is speechless as the elderly man wears the same jacket that his father wore when he was in the army. 

"I promised John forty years ago that I will come to help."

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