Chapter 54

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Harry’s P.O.V

The drive home was silent, nobody spoke a word. Niall was sitting beside me with his eyes set on the road ahead of us, he had a look of anger inside his baby blue orbs. “Drive faster!” Niall hissed from beside me. “Now!” He suddenly snapped and with that I began going faster. I saw his street up ahead.

“Hang on” I muttered as I quickly turned into the street, Niall didn’t flintch, now once. He sat completely still as we got closer and closer to his house which was completely dark, all the lights were off. We came to a stretching hault in the middle of the road and Niall hurled himself out of the car before turning back to us.

“If you hear me scream then help me, if you don’t then-“

“We’re coming in with yo-“

“NO! You’re staying at yours until I need you, you will know when I need you” he huffed before charging off towards his house, he looked back at us once more with a look in his eyes that could only be described as fear. He locked eyes with mine and mouthed a quick. “I’ll cya around buddy” before turning back to his house.

Niall’s P.O.V

My heart was racing with every step that I took, I didn’t know what to do once I got inside. What was I supposed to do exactly? I couldn’t just fight him and win, I mean, the fucker is clearly off his head so I didn’t really want to take him on, but if I had to I will.

I looked over and saw Harry and Zayn standing by his car with concerned expressions planted out across their faces.

The feeling that I would never see them again suddenly sunk in and I felt my heart pound against my chest, I reached out and turned the knob of the door before vanishing into complete darkness, the door suddenly slammed shut behind me which caused me to jump with fright.

“H-hello?” I called out, but there was nothing.

My head turned to the sound of a thump which came from the lounge room, I slowly approached the room which was seemingly cold. My head snapped up as the light above me began to flicker violently, but I caught a glimpse of something on the floor in the corner of the room every time the light flickered.

I backed away as I threw my arms up and let out a loud scream as I saw Louis in the corner of the room covered in blood and cuts which were scattered across his pale body, he slowly lifted his head as he huffed violently, he winced as he went to move but instead he just feel back to the wall again.

“Louis! Louis baby what happened!?” I cried out as I rushed over to him, I fell to the floor in front of him and looked into his bloodshot eyes, one of them wasn’t even half opened anymore, there was a large gash above it which had blood seeping out of it which was running down his face. I sobbed as he began to cough and shake violently. “Baby stay with me! Please baby I need you with me!” I cried out as I looked around the room for the phone. “I’m going to go call the police, hang on baby!” I yelled as I took off towards the kitchen which was pitch black.

I reached for the light and almost slipped over as my hand brushed over it, I let out a scream of terror when the light revealed my mother who was hanging from the roof with a power cord around her neck, there was blood all over the kitchen, there were bloody hand prints running up and down the walls and large pools of blood covering the once clean tiled floor.

I bolted across the room and grabbed the walk about phone of the counter and quickly dialled 911.

“911 what’s your emergency?” The officer asked as she answered the phone.

“YES! I need an ambulance- p-please” I called out as I looked back into the lounge room and saw Louis crying in pain as blood continued to run over his body.

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