Chapter 52 - Prom Night: Part 1

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Louis’ P.O.V

I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself, my hair had been slicked back and tucked behind my ears, I had been in the shower for almost an hour scrubbing my skin so it was spotless, I don’t even know what I was getting so stressed out over, it was just a high school dance and that’s it. I pulled the jacket of my tuxedo over my body and started doing up the buttons, next was the bowtie, I put it on before walking back over to the mirror. If I may say so myself, I look pretty sexy.

I was still surprised that I was even aloud to graduate seeing as I haven’t attended school at all in my entire life.

I looked out my bedroom window and saw Harry standing in his room getting ready, he had a light blue suit on with a white tie, his hair hadn’t changed one bit though, and those curls still hung down and blew with every single wind gust that came through.

The sun was just starting to go down, the sky had an orange tinge to it which made it all look beautiful.

“Mum I told you already! Louis and I are going!” I heard Niall shout from downstairs. I walked over and placed my ear against the door so I could hear better.

“I don’t want you to get hurt” I heard his mum say.

Niall’s P.O.V

“I’m not going to get hurt mumma!” I exclaimed as I looked away from her. “I’m already dressed, the limo will be here soon and the Prom will be starting soon, it’s only for one night”. I added.

“Go out there and tell the driver that you’re sick! Tell him- tell him you can’t go!” She began to mumble.

“Go away!” I yelled as I heard a car door slam shut outside. I walked over to the window and moved the curtain back so I could see, there was a long white limo parked outside with the driver standing beside the back door with his arms behind his back. “You see mumma, it’s all going to be ok” I added before I turned and faced the steps.

“Louis!” I called out.

I instantly heard the door slam shut and footsteps getting louder and louder. I watched as this slim boy slowly came down the stairs with a smile planted across his face.

“They’re going to laugh at you! They’re all going to laugh at you!” My mother began to cry. “Please don’t go to Prom” she added.

“Mumma! I’ve already told you…we’re going and you can’t stop us” I explained before I grabbed Louis by the hand and lead him outside into the cool air, I closed the door behind me and slowly walked down towards the limo.

The driver smiled before opening the door for us, Louis was the first one to slide in.

“Thank you sir” I said to the driver before getting in myself, I sat down and watched as he closed the door before walking up to the front of the limo once more.

I looked down as Louis took my hand in his as we pulled away from the sidewalk and went off down the street slowly.

“You nervous?” I asked as I looked up at him.

“A little” he whispered to me. “Are you?”

“I am a little to be honest, I never thought I would go to Prom” I explained.

“I didn’t know what Prom was until a week ago so you really have got nothing to be worried about” he said to me.

I couldn’t help but smirk at his words.

“Who do you reckon will be crowned Prom King and Queen?” I asked Louis.

“Prom King and Queen?” Asked Louis, his voice sounding ever so confused.

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