Chapter 27

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Liam's P.O.V

I slammed the car door shut as I sat down in the seat. I turned my head to the left and looked out into the bushland beside my vehicle which went on for miles. I could of just ran away the night I killed them, I could be out there alone and happy. But instead I let them catch me and lock me away like some kind of animal.

I wasn't an animal. I was a human being, but no everyone thought I was some kind of demonic creature that didn't feel any emotion. I'm just like everyone else around me.

I inserted the key into the ignition and quickly took off away from the house. I was lucky that Ms Miller had a few cans of gasoline laying around, I looked in the review mirror quickly as a loud bang filled my ears. The area around me lit up with a bright orange glow as a powerful fireball emerged from the house and went up into the air. Burning planks of wood flew out across the wood and scattered off into nearby bushes and set them alight. There goes the evidence.

I'm sure Niall would of hear the explosion...

Niall's P.O.V

I ducked down as the flames went up into the air and filled the sky with a bright orange glow. When I looked up I could see the glow from the flames threw the bathroom window.

“What the fuck was that?” I asked myself as I slowly stood back up and glared out the window.

Smoke had replaced the flames and everything around me was completely silent. Louis was still upstairs sleeping and I had managed to find my way to the bathroom. This house is like a fucking maze, I had so much trouble trying to find my way around.

I jumped to the sound of the door shutting and heavy footsteps roaming the house.

“NIALL!” I heard Liam scream from downstairs.

Man he sounded pissed.

“WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?” He yelled again but only louder.

I approached the door and closed it without trying to make a sound.

I slid back along the wet floor and went over towards the shower. I took a handful of the skin toned shower-curtain and pulled it across before climbing in and pulling it back. I slid back along the moss covered metal and brought my legs up to my chest in the corner of the tub.

“If you don't come out here right now boy you're going to have hell to pay!” he yelled as he started coming up the stairs slowly.

“Ohfuckohfuckohfuck” I began to mutter to myself as I heard his footsteps.

I covered my mouth when I heard the bathroom door open and slam into the wall with force before seeing Liams shadow come across the curtain slowly. To make everything worse, he stopped and slowly turned and faced the shower. My eyes widened with shock as he pulled out a knife and held it by his side.

“Niall” Liam sung as he slowly approached the tub. “Come out, come out wherever you are” he sang before pushing the blade threw the plastic and ripping it open.

I let out a loud scream as he reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me up and out of the tub, as I went with him the shower curtain was ripped down from the holder.

I was suddenly picked right up off the cold floor and was left hanging, my only support was Liams firm hand which was around my throat. I tried to kick him off but it was no good, he was too well built and tall. Liam pulled me in closer to his face, but then I was able to get a view of his eyes. There was nothing but pure anger and evil in them, there was no good left. I closed my eyes and forced myself forward and pushed my lips up against Liams and locked us in a hot passionate kiss.

I instantly felt a difference in Liams hold around my throat. I was able to breath.

I opened my eyes and noticed that Liams were now closed and I was right up against his body. His other hand was around my waist and he had now released his hand from my throat and it was now against my chest.

Well I got outta that one thankfully, Liam could of killed me if he really tried to.

“I made some tea” Liam said calmly as he entered the bedroom with a tray in his hands. “I hope you like roast chicken babe” Liam whispered to me as he put the tray down in front of me on the bed.

“Thanks Li” I replied.

For a moment there was silence. Until Liam giggled.

“Li?” he questioned. I guess he wasn't used to people giving him nicknames.

“Yeah, I reckon it suits you” I explained to him with a smile across my face.

“I'd give you a nickname but your name is to perfect to change” he said to me.

His words sent a smirk across my lips.

“Thanks. But my name isn't that great” I stated to him as I took a bite of the food.

“It is though, your name is my everything” he reassured me as he sat down on the end of the bed. “It's why I love you so much babe”.

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