Chapter 35

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Liam's P.O.V

I laid there between the white damp sheets with Niall tucked in by my side, his blonde Quiff had now fallen and was covering a little bit of his gorgeous pink face. He was growing stronger and stronger everyday, I remember when I first met him he was so skinny and weak. He now had a faint six pack and a 'V' line which was to die for. His arms had gotten thicker and stronger over the past week, I was loving the new Niall.

I looked down at the sleeping boy who was holding onto my body like there was no tomorrow, maybe everything would work out in the end, maybe I might end up being with Niall after all.

He is my everything after all.

I slid out from Niall's hold and pushed myself up, I heard him whimper as I left him so I reached over and hooked a pillow in his arms, I couldn't help but smile as he wrapped his arms around it and pulled it to his body and fell silent once more.

I strolled across the room to the bathroom door which was wide open, I flicked the light on as I walked in, I smirked as my naked was reflected back at me threw the large mirror which hung above the sink.

I could see Niall sleeping the reflection of the mirror, he looked so peaceful. As I heard him grunt in his sleep, I spun around but only to have my world go dark once more.

The light above me flickered for several seconds before going off completely. I felt the floor under me change, from cold tiles to some kind of liquid. Then that's when the light turned back on, but it was a blood red. As I looked around I noticed that I wasn't in my house any more, instead I was in a long dark hallway.

I let out a scream as I realised what I was standing in wasn't water or anything, it was in fact blood. But where was it coming from? I continued walking down the hallway to see something kind of black object hanging from the roof. As I took another step forward a spot light above it lit up to reveal what it was, well more like who it was Niall.

“NIALL!” I screamed as I took off to his body, he lifted his head and looked at me with fear in his eyes.

I ran over to him with tears streaming down my face, what I then saw was complete horror, there was a large hook in his back which was holding him off the floor, there was a large pool of blood under him and he look ever so weak.

“I- I trusted you” he whispered to me.

“I didn't mean to hurt you!” I cried in terror as I looked around for something to use in order to get him down.

“You monster” he cried out in pain.

I looked down the hall and noticed someone standing there watching me, there evil twisted smile pushed me away from Niall who was crying out in complete pain.

The shadows covered this man’s face but all I could see was his smile and those bright blood red eyes.

“Who the fuck are you!?” I screamed from down the hall as he started walking towards me.

I froze with fear as he stepped out into the light, but I was shocked when I saw only myself standing there with thin trails of blood running down my body. As I -him smiled, the blood ran down his white teeth.

“This is all in my head!” I repeated to myself as I watched the blood covered me grab onto Niall's legs and rip him down which caused the hook to go straight up into his throat and rip out threw his Adams-apple. “Oh fuck” I chocked out as I fell back onto the blood covered floor.

“You can't hold onto him forever” he yelled as he pulled out a blood covered knife from his pocket and charged towards me.

I began kicking and screaming as he got closer to me, I watched as his shadow grew to me and wrapped around my body and started dragging me to towards the blade.

“No! No please!” I screamed.

“LIAM!” Niall screamed as his arms wrapped around my cold body as I cried heavily and tried to get away. “Liam please stop” Niall cried as he held me tight to his chest as I cried even harder.

“N-Niall?” I questioned as I looked around the room.

“Yeah babe it's me” he whispered to me.

Oh thank fuck it was just a dream, I thought I was going to die.

“Please don't ever leave me” I whispered as I looked up into his blue eyes.

“I'll never leave you” he whispered back before leaning down and kissing my forehead.

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