Chapter 6

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(A/N: Ok guys so despite my rape scene I hope I didn’t offend or disgust anyone, I’m entirely 100% against rape, so I’m sorry if I upset any readers).

Niall’s P.O.V

I sat down in the shower as the hot blistering water ran down my weak and pale body, I couldn’t stop crying. I was in complete pain due to the fact that Liam had just rapped me for no reason; I didn’t even do anything to deserve it. I looked down at the shower floor as the excess blood mixed with the water and ran down to the drain before disappearing into a sea of darkness.

I reached up and pulled myself up off the wet floor as the bleeding finally came to a stop, but the pain didn’t. I was still in excruciating pain. I turned the water off and ever so slowly stepped out of the shower and reached over and grabbed one of the white towels off the rack and put it around myself.

“Niall” Liam called threw the door, his voice made me freeze. “I brought you some clothes” he added as he knocked on the door a few times, each knock was harder than the other.

“L-leave them at the door” I stuttered as I slowly limped to the wooden door. “Please go away” I added as I grabbed the handle and got ready to open it to get my clothes.

I then quickly opened the door and grabbed the clothes off the floor but as I went to pull it shut, Liams arm pushed the door wide open which caused me to fall back to the floor with force.

“P-please don’t hurt me” I began to cry as he closed the door behind him and flicked over the lock, I looked up into his eyes and saw nothing but darkness and pure evil. “Please Liam” I whimpered as he knelt down I front of me slowly before grabbing me by the hair so I was forced to look into his eyes for the entire time.

“I wouldn’t dream of hurting you little Niall” Liam smirked as he leant down to my face so his forehead was against mine. “You’re too special” he said to me, his words made me whimper and cry to myself softly. “Now let’s take a look” he smiled as his hand lowered his hand slowly.

I stayed in the bathroom all night crying heavily to myself. I was still in unbelievably intense pain due to last night and the events that took place.

“Niall?” Liam sang threw the door to me. “Are you still alive in there?” he asked as he knocked on the wooden door several times.

“L-leave me alone” I yelled at him as I slowly slid back away from the door.

“You have a visitor” he replied as he knocked again, this time punching it.

Harry? Mum? Luckily I was dressed. I ripped the door open and ran out to towards the door, but I was stopped when Liam grabbed my hair and yanked me back into the wall with force before wrapping his hand around my neck and pinning me. “If you tell anybody you little faggot I’ll fucking kill you…and your family” Liam whispered into my ear before releasing me from his hold.

“I-I won’t” I replied as I closed the door behind me but only to be stopped my Harry and my mother.

Harry’s P.O.V

“Morning Niall” I happily chanted as he appeared before me. His mother had called up last night and asked me if I would like to go up and stay with Niall for a few days so I accepted, it would be good to hang out with him and sort some shit out.

“Hi” he muttered under his breath as he looked over at his mum with a smile across his lips, I could tell he had been crying, his skin had tear stains going down his cheeks.

“Oh sweetie” his mum yelled as she grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug before releasing a few tears. “How have you been baby?” she asked him as she pulled away from the hug.

“I’m good mum” he muttered as he looked into her eyes.

I knew he wasn’t, he was hurting just like we were.

“I’m sorry I can’t stay for long but Harry is allowed to stay here with you in the family recreation centre so I invited him, is that ok?” she asked as she looked over at me with a smile across her face.

Niall looked over at me and smiled before locking eyes with his mother once more “yes that’s fine” he responded as he reached out and took my backpack away from me and swung it over his back.

“Niall I can take it” I said as I reached out to take it off him.

“It’s fine Harry, really” he quickly replied as he tightened his grip around the straps.

“The facility is down that way Harry so why don’t you head down there and I’ll send Niall down in a second, yeah?” Nialls mother asked me with a smile across her lips.

“Yeah of course, see you in a bit dude” I said to Niall before walking off.

I looked back once more and watched as Niall and his mother talked for a bit. He didn’t look ok, he looked hurt and frightened. Well that would be normal; you’re locked up in a mental institute.

I concentrated on their conversation as they carried on speaking; all I could hear was Niall sobbing wildly to his mum.

“No mum! No” Niall cried.

“This isn’t up for discussion Niall” his mother replied to him.

“Mum please” he half yelled as he cried even harder to her. “Please don’t leave me here” he added.

What did he mean leave him here? He’s getting out after he gets better.

“I don’t want to leave you here Niall believe me I really don’t want to” she yelled at him. “I’m coming back” she added.

“NO! You’re not coming back, I know that mum, you’re leaving me here” Niall cried loudly which made me walk back out into the hallway and look at him with a concerned look in my eyes.

“Niall?” I called as his mum walked away crying into her hands. “Are you ok?” I asked him as I ever so slowly approached him with my arm reached out to him.

He was on the floor on his knees crying heavily as his mum walked away.

“H-Harry” he struggled to speak as I approached him quickly. “She’s leaving me” he added as he began to hiccup violently.

“No, no she’s not trust me Niall” I explained to him as I attempted to comfort him as I slowly but gently pulled him up off the cold tiled white floor. “She’ll be back” I exhaled as I pulled him into a comforting hug as even I began to get teary.

(A/N: So what did you guys think of this chapter? I know it’s boring but something interesting will happen in the coming chapters).

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