Chapter 25

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Liam's P.O.V

I sat there continuing to rock back and forth as I allowed my thoughts to run away on me, I couldn't stop myself from freaking out, the voices were taking control once more and I couldn't allow that otherwise they could hurt Niall and I don't really want that. I couldn't let anyone or anything harm my little Nialler.

I ever so slowly pulled myself up and leaped away from the room where Louis and Niall were. I couldn't risk something happening now, not after all I've gone through to get Niall outta there and here into my- our house.

I walked down the steep wooden stairs quickly before entering the marble kitchen, the counters, walls and seats all had marble bases. I reached out and grabbed the fridge handle before pulling it open quickly to reveal absolutely nothing, not even a crumb was present. That was ok though, I could just take a little drive down to Ms Millers who lived a few kilometres down the track. She would gladly lend me some food for me and my boy toy, wait my boy toy, what the hell was I going on about?

I closed the fridge door and walked over the draws on the opposite side of the kitchen, pulling it open I received the glare from the silver blade which was sitting plainly in the middle of the otherwise empty draw. I reached it and wrapped my hands around the handle and removed it from it's resting place.

I then spun around on my heel and left the kitchen before leaving the house in general, I still had the knife in my hand by the way, I unlocked the car and slid into the driver's seat. I dropped the knife onto the passengers seat before I slipped the key into the ignition and turned it on.

I looked out my window one last time and noticed Niall up in the window looking down at the car with a worried look planted across his sexy little face.

"Everything is going to be alright babe, don't worry" I whispered to myself before I turned out of the driveway and slowly went down the dirt road and out of Niall's view.

I flicked on the radio as I drove down the road, my expression went from cheerful to worried in a matter of seconds due to the news.

- Niall Horan, age 16 has gone missing from Smith's Grove Sanatorium several days back along with his roommate Liam Payne and his friend Louis Tomlinson. No information has been given on the whereabouts of these young boys but the parents of the teenagers hope there safe and well.

I basically punched the radio with great force that it turned itself off.

They wanted to come and take my Niall away!? I wouldn't allow them to. They couldn't separate us, not now, I'd kill them before I took my own life along with Niall's so we could be together forever and ever.

I forced the thoughts away as I pulled up outside Ms Millers house, I reached over and grabbed the knife before tucking it into my pants, I pulled the shirt down over the blade and jumped out of the car and strolled up the front path of the old run down 3 story house which was set on the large cliff which went down the highway which went around and then down towards the Asylum which was over in the next sate.

I forced a smile out across my lips as I knocked on the door several times before seeing the little old lady appear before me at the door with a smile across her lips.

"Hi" she said as she pushed the screen door open.

"Good morning Ms Miller, I don't think you remember me my name is Li -"

"Liam Payne" she cut me off. How the fuck did she remember me? "It's good to see you, it's been ages, how are your parents?" she asked me.

Ah it all clicked in my head, she had memory problems and would often forget things, she forgets that I did in fact slaughter them but she doesn't remember that I was the one who did it, typical old people.

"There fine" I explained as she invited me inside. "Um I came down here to ask if you if I could please borrow some food, I've just moved back in after being away" I told her as I slowly reached under my top and grabbed the handle of the knife and got ready to attack in case she tried something.

"Of course you can" she happily exclaimed as she made her way into the kitchen quickly.

"Thank you" I exclaimed as I took a seat on the lounge which was facing the wall which had a handful of photos scattered along to the windows. As I scanned over them my head locked to the sight of a very familiar one. The one of me and my family with Ms Millers on New Years Eve the year before I killed them.

I looked away when I heard the sound of a gun being loaded behind me, I jumped up and looked back and saw Ms Millers holding her shotgun in her arms with the barrel aimed directly at me.

"Wow what the fuck are you doing?" I exclaimed as I locked eyes with her.

"You think I didn't know that you would come back after all these years!?" she hissed. "I could never forget what you did you little bastard, you killed your parents and I bet you killed that other boy, what was his name, Niall?" she stated.

"What? Niall is alive" I tried to explain but she looked ever so frustrated and confused.

"Don't lie to me" she screamed violently, her scream set off her dogs which were on the back porch which looked over and down the cliff.

"I'm not lying" I said as I slowly walked towards her with my hands up. "I didn't mean to kill them" I exclaimed before I lashed out and grabbed the gun and ripped it right out of her hand and turned it back on her in a heartbeat. "You little fucking bitch" I yelled at her as she backed up.

"I'm going to kill you, just like I did the others but I'm not going to do to it with the gun, oh heavens no" I said as I chucked the gun back onto the lounge quickly. I sent her a devilish smile before I picked her up bridal-style and forcefully carried her towards the back door. I opened it quickly and ever so slowly took the screaming old women towards the railing.

"No! NO LIAM PLEASE DON'T" she cried as her head turned and looked at the large drop. "I won't tell anyone that you were here, I swear to god" she added.

I couldn't help but smirk at her words. "That's right you won't" I laughed before I lifted her a little higher and dropped her from the back porch. I listened to her screams as they began to fad away in the wind, I was then sent into a laughing fit when her body hit the rocks and went rag-doll the rest of the way. I looked to the side and watched her dogs growl and bark at me, but I ignored them and proceeded back inside before closing the door behind me.

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