"Are you cheating on me?" She asked

"No what the fuck?" I asked

"Who was that white woman you were with at the party store today?" She asked

"Jordyn I'm not cheating she just helping me out with something." I said

"Helping you with what? Catching a nut?" She said

"Why would I cheat when I have you?" I asked walking to her

"Don't come towards me. And because you a fuckin hoe." She said

"If I'm a hoe then you a hoe by association." I said knowing she would laugh.

She cracked a smile.

"Jay I'm not joking around." She said

"I'm not either. I'm not cheating on you baby and I'm not ever gone cheat. Why would I cheat when your pussy almost put me in a coma?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Because that's what niggas do." She said

"I'm not a nigga. I'm your husband." I said

Before she said anything else I kissed her shutting her up. She hesitated before giving in. She wrapped her arms my neck and I picked her up holding onto her thighs.

I took her upstairs and fucked her into a coma.


Me, Roc and Kiari were chilling and smoking my backyard out.

"Ayo why we helping these people again?" Roc asked

"Because they trying kill the big boss and If they kill the big boss we lose money." I said

"How?" Roc asked

"Boss own a lot of shit including our label and gang. He keeps the money flowing." I said

"Say no more." He said

"Here I gotta shit." Kiari said passing me the blunt.

"Go home and do that shit." I said

"I'm about to bounce too before Diamond start calling." Roc said

"And come get y'all kids from my house. My wife ain't no damn baby sitter. Got about 15 head of kids over there." Kiari said

I laughed and they left. I put out the blunt and walked back inside before locking the door.
I started walking around the house looking for my wife. I walked upstairs to our bedroom and opened the door. She was sleep with only panties on. I popped her ass not too hard and she woke up.

"Put some clothes on." I said with a smirk.

"Why this my house and only people who live in this house came out of me or came in me so leave me the hell alone." She said

I couldn't even respond.

I took my clothes off and laid right by her.


After putting Keisha to sleep I walked out of my house and got into my car driving to my meeting place.

I'm helping Cameron and the rest with their issue because their family but I'm still a Don over the mafia and we're in the middle of our own battle right now.

I walked into the building and it got quiet as I walked to my chair. I sat and looked over my men to see if anyone looked suspicious or out of order.

"Start." I said

"The Godfather has passed this morning. His last wish was for the battle to end and our enemies surrendered." One of my men said

"I don't trust it." I said

"They handed over what they owe." He said

"That doesn't mean they mean what they say." I said

"I understand boss. We will still have our guards up." He said

"As you should. Never let your guard down no matter what they say." I said

They all nod.

"Anything else?" I asked

No one say anything.

"Then lets go. I need to get back to my family." I said

Everyone waited until I walked to get up. We walked out together.

I drove home and laid back next to my sleeping wife.


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