Chapter 22 Mother from Hell

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Calum's P.O.V.

After my shower I had gotten a call from JJ, who was at the hospital with Charlie, that Charlie's supposed mom had been called in. Which just adds to the shit I'm going to have to deal with, but luckily for me her mom lives in Texas, which buys me some time.  

I pick up my keys to my truck and head out to the hospital. As I arrive threw the doors half of my brothers  and their ol'e ladies are all sitting in the waiting room, the melancholy feel of the room doesn't give me a good feeling as I get closer. Kelsey is the first to see me and jumps up from her chair, and runs straight into me for a tight hug. 

She brings her hand to the back of my head and puts pressure on it so it rest between her neck and shoulder. "How are you doing sweetie" she asks softly. Her other hand is rubbing my back up and down, I wrap my arms around her tiny waist and give a squeeze before bringing my head up and giving her a kiss on her temple. "I'm alright Kels, have you heard anything?" 

She takes a small step back before answering me, " The doctor won't talk to us, but he let us know that she was admitted and was kind enough to tell us that she will live. The only thing we all know is that she will live, but that she...she's in a coma from so much head trauma." 

I close my eyes slowly, and take a deep breath before opening them. All my brothers are looking at me with concern, I look past them to the nurses station and I head over there hoping to be able to charm my way into Charlie's room. 

As soon as I arrive at the station the older, plumpy, nurse looks up at me with a genuine smile, "May I help you young man?" I smile back at her, "Yes, my girlfriend was emitted and I'm the only one she has. I mean that truely and I was wondering if I could see her?"

The nurse looks around the empty station and then back to me, "Visiting hours are over, but because you were so kind and pretty cute I may look the other way while you walk to her room. What is her name?" Making my smile broaden at the good news, "Charlie Slade." 

She nods her head and types her name into the computer, "Room 121 C, so head down this hallway make a left then a right. Now get out of here." 

I wink at her before I head off to Charlie's room, making sure to look casual as I pass nurses and some doctors. Arriving to her room I slowly open her door and step inside, my heart just drops into my stomach as I see Charlie bruised and beaten laying unconscious. She has two different IV's going into her arm, and a bunch of gauze wrapped around her head, and a nasal oxygen tubes going into her nose. I walk forward quietly as if I was going to wake her with the slightest noise, I take the chair next to her and pull it as closes as I can get it to her bed. Grabbing her hand and leaning over her to kiss her forehead, "I'm sorry I failed you baby", I whisper before I graze my lips over her swollen forehead. I sit down and just hold her hand as I stare at her beautifully bruised face. Taking in any detail I can, her lips swollen with a cut in the middle of the bottom one. Her left eyes is black and blue and slightly more swollen than the right. There's yellow and purple bruising round her neck and wrists. I kiss each finger, and the bruises that circle her wrist. Hoping and wishing that, that could help and make the pain go away. I lean down and rest my head next to her thigh and our joined hands, I close my eyes and just wait for her to wake up. 

I must of fallen asleep because I wake up with a jolt when I hear the door open, and a nurse comes in reading a clip board. As soon as she looks up she jumps and make a small squeal of surprise. "Shit I didn't know someone came in here, Who let you in here? It's three in the morning your going to have to leave and come back for visiting ours." She says narrowing her almond shape eyes. 

I run a hand through my hair and lean back in the chair before resuming my hand with Charlie's again. I look up the blonde nurse, she's wearing black scrubs with pink poodles all over them, probably in her mid thirties, crystal clear blue eyes, and a super skinny body that has no appeal in my opinion. "I was let in last night, and no I will not be leaving her. I'm staying until she leaves with me." 

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