Chapter 4 "Baby Doll"

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JJ just started at me for a minute before he spoke, "girl I just told you not to worry. No need to apologize you did nothing wrong". He gave me a certain look that I couldn't figure out what it meant.

Was he mad I apologized? I just became more anxious standing here with these guys.

Before I could say anything Bo pulled up in the tow truck pulling my truck.

"Damn girl where did you get that beauty" Ace asked 

" My dad gave it to me before...." Not really wanting to explain I look of into the distance, but the sadness in my voice gives it away 

" I got it sugar" Ace mutters 

We all walk over to the truck just as Bo finishes taking it off the tow.  

"Her problem is the oil, she is bone dry and something with the engine needs tweaking."  

"Jeez Bo you got all the work figured out before you got here"  

" Don't complain JJ, it doesn't suit you well" Bo replies with a smirk

None of them notice my silent freak out but if I don't have a truck then he can get me. Then I have no escape. He could get me 

I just repeat the words over in my head 

I can feel him getting closer, he is going to get me. 

I think I hear my name being called but I can't concentrate. what if he finally gets me. I know I wont be able to go back. I wont live through it again, he already took 8 years of my life. 

All the sudden Nole is in my life of vision, the roaring blood calms and I focus on him.

" Hey, you alright?"  

I don't know what to say. I just stare into his big Brown eyes.

"What do you thinks wrong with her?", I think Bo asks

I finally come to my senses, " sorry..." what do I even say " how fast and how much is to fix"  

I'm biting my lip praying in my head that he says within the hour

Bo speaks up " depends on the damage of the engine, have you been driving a long way in it?"

" kinda, I mean I use it for everything" 

" ok, but for long distance?" 

" sometimes....." I look away from them. "well when can I know it's fixed and how much?"

Nole laughs, " babe it's called a phone" 

" I don't have one" 

All their smiles disappear, " you don't have a cell, house phone?" I shake my head as an answer 

" what the fuck?" JJ looks angry again 

Then a handsome man, correction the most beautiful man walks over to us. He has striking green eyes, brown tousled hair that makes you want to run your hands through it. looks like he has gold highlights that are probably natural in it, narrow hips that make him look good in his jeans, big muscular broad shoulders.

He arrives inn the group with a big smirk on his face like he new I was secretly checking him out....well not so secretly anymore. 

" Sup' guys", he looks over at me " hello gorgeous"

Everyone nods their hello' s, while I just blush from his compliment. 

Ace speaks up " Prez this lady has some truck problems, but nothin we can't fix. Oh and Charlie this is Calum. Pez this is Charlie."

We make eye contact, and I just nod my head with everything

I look over and JJ is still starting at me and makes me shift on my feet 

" Good to meet you Baby Doll" Calum says

Everything freezes. I can't breathe or anything.

Baby Doll 


I start seeing spots 

I can't breathe

'Baby Doll' brings everything to the surface, why did he have to say that

suddenly blackness takes over, and all I remember was JJ reaching for me

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