Chapter 7 Warm Arms

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Age 14
The smell of my house is one I will never forget. I smell alcohol, smoke, and a hint of vomit. I wish I stayed after school longer, but the teacher told me to go home. As I walk through the living room quietly because I'm hoping no one knows I am home. I walk towards my room and I can here my mom in her room throwing up, probably from all the drinking she did today. So I tip toe my way into my room and quietly close my door, as soon as I turn around I let out a small scream.

God not today... Please no
Oliver is sitting on my bed looking at me with rage filled eyes

My back I up against the door and my breathing has spead up so much I think I might hyperventilate

He slowly stands, " Its 5 and you get out of school at 3.... so where exactly have you been?"

I look down and stare at my shoes, " Sch-school.. I promise Oliver"
I look up and look into his eyes so he sees my honesty

But it doesn't matter, he won't care either way I know in my gut I'm getting punished today.

" I take care of your moms 'needs', and all I ask is for you to be respectful. I ask that you obey my commands. Is that so hard baby doll? Is there a reason you were hiding at school? You know I take care of you"

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