Chapter 8 Why Do You Care?

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I'm in this zone where I'm asleep and dreaming at the same time. I'm so warm and comfortable than I have ever been in my life.

I snuggle into my bed more but stop as soon as I feel arms tighten around me.

warm arms... I know these arms.

I slowly look up to a wide awake Calum, who's smiling down at me.

"Morning Sunshine"

shit. I immediately jump out of bed and fly across the room as fast I can get there.

"how did I end up in your bed?" I ask very quietly I can barely here it

Calum gives me a soft confused look, "honey you were having a bad dream last night. I went in there and held you till you fell asleep and took you in hear so you slept in clean sheets."

Oh my gosh. I remember it now. how embarrassing, he probably thinks of me as a child now.

I need to go. I need to leave

" I need to go" I mumble as I head to the door but only make it two steps before I'm pinned up against the wall

"You need to get something Charlie, last night when I held you while you cried whatever your dealin with out, that was the start. The start of you and me, cause sweetness I think you are gorgeous a total knockout. You gotta get somethin else, and that is I know you have been through some tough shit. I new before that dream because its in your eyes and your body. That doesn't change a thing in my eyes. You can have bad dreams anytime and I will still catch you. Cause Beautiful I think your worth it, and I barely know you, but I want more. so get that before you go racing off being scared of me when you have no reason."

I was breathing heavy now looking in his beautiful eyes, and I couldn't help it at all, I swear.

My eyes were hot and burning, so I let go of the tears and burst out crying. Calum's arms came around me while he kissed the top of my head and rocked me slightly.

"shhh, hey baby your fine. I won't let anything happen"

I looked up, " its j-uu-sst n-nno has ev-ver called me bea-u-tiful in a long time. I still....." I looked down at our feet," I can't stay here, as in this town for very long. So I can't get to know you, or start anything"

Calum put his finger under my chin so he was looking in my eyes, "why, honey? Why can't you stay in town?"

I slid my eyes to the side, " Its unsafe for me and people who become a part of my life."

Which is true, I remember one time I left a town right before he found me and he beat up a friend of mine he thought was hiding me

Calum had glittery eyes and a tight mouth after these words.

" You want to explain that to me?"

"Why do you care?"

"Did you not hear me five minutes ago? I want to know you more, I want you. Plain and simple, there is something about you that I like. So when a woman who I plan to make mine says she can't be my woman because she has trouble. You better fucking believe I am gonna care. So Charlie babe explain the problem now."

" You can't just expect me to tell a stranger my life story and problems! Look we met a fucking day ago! Like what the fuck are you thinking!"

He scooted even closer to me so there was no room between us

" I think I explained Charlie. That I see you and what I see, I like. I want more. And let me tell you what I think also, I think its fucking wrong a woman like you is scared shit less. That you are running for who knows how long from something. I am NOT OKAY with THAT! But babe I will give you time to get to know me, so you ain't explaining shit to a " stranger". "

I just stared at him with wide eyes and mouth parted, still breathing a little heavy

Calum's eyes wondered down to my mouth and then no kidding he



kissed me.


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