
'No one likes a showoff.' I poked out my tongue. 

Aaron huffed, 'That's coming from you, you pyro.' 

'Shut up ice boy.' I snapped my fingers as flames exploded in his face. I heard laughter as he wiped the soot off his face. 

Nathaniel started driving as we turned onto the main road. Our long drive started then, 'Now remember,' Aaron growled, glaring at me, 'We can't drive straight into New York. We need to take a few detours so we aren't spotted.'

'Great so instead of a normal five hour drive we have to run and hide along the way?' 

'Yes you better get used to it hot head.'

'Wanna repeat that icey virgin?' I scowled. 

'Guys not now Jesus Christ you two are like chalk and cheese!' Olivia said hitting us both over the had as Nathaniel turned down another street, 'I swear if we get caught it wouldn't be because we weren'r careful it would be because you two are so fucking loud so shut up and deal with it!' 

I shut my mouth and turned to face the window and he tried lighting another cigarette and Olivia swatted it out of his hands. They were complaining for another twenty minuets before Jaymes intercepted. We drove for another hour before we stopped off in a run down town. There were a few humans around and they were gathering wood for fires, which were also scattered across the dark town, 'Where are we?'

'Towson. It used to be quite populated then ran under. Come on. Let's see if there are any runaways from Resistance groups, maybe there can be information gathered.' Tomas said pointing behind him. 

Aaron nodded, 'We might have to be careful about what we say. News might've reached them by now so here,' he chucked a cap at me, sunnies at Jaymes, 'Hide your hair and eyes. Go talk to some people about the stations in New York and find out anything you can about The Underground.'

'What would we achieve by doing this?' Jaymes asked slipping the sunnies over his brown eyes. 

Aaron looked around, 'We might be able to get the upper hand. If not we have useful information on our side, no go.' Jaymes grunted in agreement and I slipped the cap over my wild hair. Annoyed, we North walked away. As we passed the truck I grabbed my jumper and pulled if over my shoulders.

Some men were looking at us and the children stopped playing. We saw a bar and walked in. The bartender looked at us and grabbed two cracked glasses, 'Beer.' Jaymes said and we sat down. We were good at going in and under, 'Thanks.' he said as the glasses were topped up. 

'What brings you folks out this way?' He said wiping a glass down. 

'Heading north.' Jaymes said taking a swig. 

The bartender laughed, 'I have no idea where you've been but you can't head north. Those Aliens have been building check points all over the boarders.'

'You know why?' I asked not looking up. 

The man raised an eyebrow, 'Curious folks aren't ya?' 

'Just answer their question Jones,' a middle aged man wandered over. He was limping, grey hair suck out from underneath his truckie hat. His stubble match the colour of his hair and his tone showed exactly what type of mood he was in, 'They ain't gonna be trouble for you.' 

Jones nodded and looked back at us, 'It be said that The Underground Resistance is ready to make a stand. But last I heard six of their fighters betrayed them to the Aliens.'

'Thats not true.' I said, 'From what I heard the leader tricked em. Brought a whole roof down to keep them quiet.' I took a huge gulp of beer as the men laughed at me. 

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