Chapter 7: Violet's POV/ECC309

Start from the beginning

"You stole my makeup didn't you?" She asked giggling. I blushed.

"Yes." I said sheepishly. 

"It's ok." She said smiling and patting my back. 

When we got to the club there were some guys there who were kinda looking myself and Laura. I saw Laura grip onto Paul's arm as we walked to a big booth that would fit all of us. John, Astrid, and myself all sat down but then Stu asked Laura to dance with him and she agreed. I was slightly jealous because we both love Stu a lot although we both love him and Astrid a /whole/ lot. George sat down looking somewhat glum, I really felt bad for the guy. John, politely, asked Astrid if she would like to dance and she agreed and they walked off to dance. I slid in closer next to George. 

"So..." I said awkwardly. "How're you?" I asked with a sorta silly face and he chuckled a bit.

"Ok, I guess." He said looking at his fingers on the table. I scooted in closer until our hips were touching and I poked his side and he jumped. I started laughing really hard and he started laughing with me. I looked over and saw Laura and Paul giggling as they danced. My smile faded and then George followed my gaze and his smile faded too. He looked back at the table and put his chin in his hands. "Stupid Paul.." He mumbled.

"Hey, look George," I said grabbing his hand and looking him straight in the eye. Then John came over. 

"I believe you promised me a dance." He said noticing me holding George's hand. I let go and looked back at George. 

"Do you mind?" I asked knowing he really needed someone.

"No go ahead." He smiled at me and I winked before I got out and John offered his arm to me. As we walked to the dance floor "Something Stupid." By Frank Sinatra came on.

"I love this song!" I said as the intro started playing. We got in position and I put my head on his shoulder as we slowly danced around the room. I closed my eyes and could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. I sniffed and John looked down at me and put my head up. 

"Are you ok?" He said looking concerned. 

"I'm fine." I said. "Just a big baby." I said gently wiping my eyes so I didn't smear my make up all over my face that I had forgotten I had on. He smiled and held me really tight as the song continued. We were holding each other like the other one would disintegrate in the next three seconds. As the song came towards the end he pulled away from me and put his fingers on the bottom of my chin bringing my head up. We were right there, not even a inch away from each other. Then I was about ready to kill Paul. He grabbed my arm just as John and I were about to kiss and brought me over to the corner with him.

"James Paul McCartney what the heck is wrong with you!" I was mad. 

"Look, I just have a question to ask you." He said like he was trying to reason.

"What?" I said madly crossing my arms.

"Could you bring Laura to me?" I groaned madly.

"That's it?! You ruined what could've been the best moment of my life, for me to steal Laura away from George?!" He gave me his innocent puppy-dog Paul face. "I'm a sucker." I mumbled walking over and grabbing Laura and throwing her over to Paul. I didn't want to make George feel bad so I started dancing with him.

"Um... What was that?" He asked putting one arm on my waist as we started to dance.

"I wanted to dance with you." I said so that he wouldn't get mad about Laura being with Paul and I did want to dance with him a bit. I wanted to be good friends with George. He smiled.

"Oh, that's nice." He said spinning me and we started acting really goofy with our dancing. The song ended and we went over to the table, out of breath. 

"That was fun." I said having a drink from my water that was sitting there.

"That was." He said smiling. It was the first time I'd ever seen him smile like that today.

"Hey, you wanna go have some fun?" I asked sneaky-like.

"Yes!" He said silly.

"Lets go!" We got out of the booth and I motioned for him to follow me and we made sure no one who was with us, saw us. We went out the back door and I started running towards a park I saw and George followed close behind. Once we got in the middle of the park I hit is arm. "Tag!" I shouted running away and hiding behind a tree.

"Ooh, I'm going to get you." He ran around the tree but by that time I had already moved on to the next tree. This went on for awhile until we were both tired and sat down on a bench together. "You're really fun, Violet." Said George leaning back. I did the same.

"You are too, George." I poked him in the shoulder. "Tag." He poked me back.


"Tag!" I poked his side and he jumped again. I started giggling and he shoved my shoulder. 

"Race you back to the club?" I asked starting to unbuckle my high heels. 

"No..." He said with a straight face which then slowly turned into a smile. "I'll beat you to the club!" He jumped up and started running.

"Wait up!" I shouted grabbing my shoes and running faster and feeling free as I ran barefoot back. George obviously beat me but I wasn't going to let him win that easily. 

"You did not, I /so/ beat you." I said walking through the club with George.

"You did not! I was practically a mile in front of you." He said as we walked up to the table. I scoffed and everyone was sitting there.

"It's about time you showed up." Said Paul.

"Yeah, I was getting worried." Said Laura. We all got up and started walking back to the flat. I got level with John on the walk and grabbed his hand. He gripped back tightly and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We lagged behind and actually soon lost the "group". I was getting really sleepy as we walked. I closed my eyes and sighed with content.

"John, can I say something?" I asked as we continued to walk.

"Anything, love." I sighed deeply.

"Ok, I-... I think I'm in love..." I said quietly and he stopped.

"With who?" He asked rather serious.

"John..." I said turning to face him. "I love you." 

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