Chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Wow, that is very cool, Molly." She puts a hand on my shoulder. I sigh in relief I can't believe my little act with Eleanor can actually fool anyone. "I was going to tell you, Molly, tonight you're going to be on the XYZ news."

"I'm going to what?"

"We just need to interview you, your mother, your sister of course, and your brother,"

"Oh.." I guess I will be seeing Cole in person so soon.


The make- up and hair did not take as long as I thought it would, my stylist was pretty fast, and I got to pick what to wear. I didn't want anything fancy, so I just wore my favorite shirt, a flannel button down from Hollister, and jeans. All-star converse, so casual. Unlike me, Kimberly, who was being styled right beside me, she wore a long violet colored dress. I don't think she really is all that important for this event anyways.

Alicia was being interviewed first, I watched her from inside the building one of the many live televisions. She seemed nervous, her hair was curled into many swirls. My stylist gave up combing my hair a thousand years ago.

Cole and Kimberly were asked about who they invited to their wedding. Kimberly said it was a public kind of thing. My mother went next, and I actually thought that it was embarrassing, I mean how many people are going to see this? Probably half of the people at school.

A woman comes in and tells me to go out. My entire body tenses, my first time on television, I remember wanting to be an actress back when I was like eight. Not happening.

I step onto the stage, with so many cameras... too much, I feel dizzy. That's when time stops and my foot slips, I fall smack on my face. The stinging pain cuts sharp into my chin where it still isn't fully recover from the time I fell off a building with Shane.

"Oh, are you okay!?" One of the cameramen say. If I ever thought that I was embarrassed.... Kimberly could sashay out in heels, I'm wearing sneakers.

"Oh, I'm finer than fine." I blush, taking a seat on the long white bench. This place is so cool.

"Hi, Molly McAllister." My interviewer smiles. She has pretty green eyes and red hair. She's not as dressed up as Kimberly. "My name is Kimberly DeRaps." Oh well, same name.

"Uh, um, uh, uh, hi." I say, into the microphone with a box on the handle like the ones in television.  

"I heard that you are the only one in the family who really knows this guy who drugged your sister."

"Uh... I don't know him?"

"Well, you've interacted with him the most. Molly, that's very interesting, I'm sorry you couldn't stop him."

"If it weren't for that Alicia was in very bad condition, I would've went after him." I sigh, and when I look up, I can see that the camera has zoomed into my face. My eyes pop.

"You know that he lives in Seattle, Washington." She says, forehead creasing. "You said you knew form a psychic dream? Interesting, that's far from New York."


"Are you willing to travel up to the Pacific Northwest to help find him? After all, you're the only one who's actually witnessed him putting the drug in your sister's drink."

"I'd do anything for Alicia."

"What a great sister! I heard that you dragged her home, that day, and that you visit her every day after school it the hospital."

“I guess I do." I say, blushing. “I mean, yeah I do."

"So, Molly, who are your friends?" Kimberly DeRaps asks. why does that matter? I just want this to be over as soon as possible so I can leave!

"Eleanor is my best friend ever." My heart stops, what is wrong with me!? How can I all of a suddenly talk about Eleanor!? "Uh, at school, I have two very good friends named Emily Rodriguez and Lexica Lopez, they're awesome!" I need to somehow make people mishear my Eleanor statement but this is recorded!

"Good to know about your social life, Molly." Kimberly DeRaps smiles. "Now, will you describe the guy who drugged your sister again?"

"The Rohypnol guy? He looked really creepy! Kind of like Shane-" It's too late, this time Kimberly DeRaps tilts her head at me.

"Oh, and who's... Shane?"

"Um... um..." My cheeks pale, at least that's what I see on the screen behind Kimberly DeRaps. "He's just this guy that.... um he's the guy who gave me a black eye, in like second grade, yeah."

"Oh." Her smiles back. I sigh in relief.

"He looked just like any gothy emo late teenager." I continue. I don't really know what I'm talking about.

"Is there any way you can know his location now, or his name?"

"I'm sorry but no."

My interview felt like forever, but in the end I had survived. When I returned to my salon, Kimberly rolls her eyes at me.

"Nice trip, Molly, you really can't do anything the right way."

"Thank you." I say, grab my purse, and quickly leave. The interview actually got me thinking, maybe I'll have to soon plan my trip to Seattle.

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