Crash and burn 2

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Darkness. Just darkness. You couldn't feel your body and it was a feeling you never wish anyone to have. It feels like you're going crazy and It's getting frustrated. You can't do a damn thing.

You wanted to open your eyes but you could't. the last thing you thought before slipping into the darkness completely was God let Justin be fine please.

You don't know how and when you  woke up, but your body was on a level of pain where you barely could move your head. If you did you could feel the pain in your fingers, your legs, even your toes hurt. You opened your eyes and carefully turned your head to the right.

Panic began to rise, there was Justin, he had a cast on his leg, bandage on his chest and a few stitches in his neck. His face held cuts and you can't imagine how you must've been looking. But your sure that you couldn't be worse then Justin.

Suddenly the door opened and you didn't expect it so you turned your head forgetting the pain but it quickly crashed down on you as you screamed it out of pain. Tears fell down your eyes. The woman who Elise's in, you assumed a nurse, rushed to your side and helped you calm down. She gave you some water to drink and you immediately asked her how Justin was.

"I don't know sweetie, all I know is that he broke his leg, and by the impact of the crash he punctured his left lung, hence the bandage on his chest. We had to operate him yesterday-" you cut her off "wait excuse me but how long have we been here" the old woman looked at you with a sad smile "for 4 days already honey, and your boyfriend was internally injured so we operated him 3 times. He went into cardiac arrest and we had to reanimate him." You started to tear up.

The lady grabbed a chair and sat down, "should I continue sweetie? I know it's not pleasing to hear anything like this" "I want to know how he is and what my condition is please" you said in a hushed tone.

" Right now he is in a medical induced coma. So his body can heal. You on the other hand have a concussion and it's nit a mild one. So you probably will experience pain while moving any body part." She looked at you if you were still following

"You had a bit of a nasty break in your right leg we operated you for that. It's good now you just need a cast and walk with crutches for six weeks."

"When will he wake up?" The nurse grabbed some paperwork and looked at it. " he should wake up in two days then he'll probably be drowsy and sleepy one day because of the anesthesia so he should be fully with us in about three days"

"Thank you nurse" you smile at her "actually I'm dr. Luana" your eyes widened "gosh I'm so sorry I thought you were our nurse" she shook her head. "You should know your boyfriend is a real keeper. When our team arrived he kept whispering your name" she smile sadly.

"I know and I love him with everything in me"


"Today I was allowed to take a walk around in the hallway with a nurse. And all I could think about was you. They had roses, the same ones you brought me, in a vase at the front desk. And I just broke down in the middle of the hallway looking like a fucking psychopath" you said feeling the tears coming.

Justin's hand was held by yours. You asked them to join your beds together so now you and Justin sleep together at night. You had your face buried in the nape of his neck, Careful not to touch his chest.

You  fell asleep and when you woke up you saw it was four pm you looked at Justin, and then looked back at the clock only to slowly turn your head back to Justin. You couldn't believe it "y/n, baby is that you?" He brought out with coughing between every word.

You gave him a glass of cold water the nurse probably left you. You carefully laid your hand underneath his head. And pushed his head up a little but so he could drink water. "Just take a little sip please Jay I don't know if you're allowed to eat or drink yet." He did as you said.

You put the plastic cup back in place.

"Baby I'm so sorry, I-" you shook your head "shhh it's okay we're okay." You wiped small tears that fell on his flawless cheeks away. "I love you so so much princess I'm sorry, I caused you pain y/n what kind of boyfriend am I?" He said with small sobs in between.

You couldn't stand seeing him cry and without realizing you broke down too. All the emotions of being hospitalized, Justin in a coma. It was too much. You cried, hiding in his neck while he held you as much as he could with the pain he was In.

You pushed the red button so a doctor or nurse would come in. A moment later your nurse came "ah mr. Bieber I see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Like a piece of shit and my chest hurts it hurts to talk." The nurse explained his injuries and gave him painkillers.

Justin turned his head and looked at you "we're in this together baby girl" you squeezed his hand you were still holding and nodded. You leaned over just pushed your lips on his, no action, no noting. Just your lips touching.

"We are"

N O T    E D I T E D
W O R D   C O U N T : 996

SORRY for the end😅 I just didn't have any inspiration on how to finish this one so that why it was delayed.

SORRY for the end😅 I just didn't have any inspiration on how to finish this one so that why it was delayed

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{I absolutely love this show lol ^^}

Anywhore, I know this was bad but I still hope you guys enjoyed reading.

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