Justin, Wait!

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Y/f/n= your friends name

Your POV

You agreed on lunch with your best friend so she made reservations at her favorite restaurant. When you arrived you parked the car a street away and walked the remaining way to the restaurant.

"Hello, do you have reservations?" A waiter who stood by the door asked. "Yeah it's under y/f/n"  "Okay, wait here please I will come and get you ones your table is done" wow it looks pretty high class in here. But your friend is pretty rich so she always took you to places like this.

Suddenly you hear a car pull up and someone got out. You turned your head a little to the left and saw that it was Justin Bieber. Oh well everyone has to eat right? Then the screams started "OMG JUSTIN, JUSTIN PLEASE A PICTURE" "JUSTIN LOOK HERE" "JUSTIN I LOVE YOU" "TAKE A PICTURE WITH ME JUSTIN"

He ignored the fans and paparazzi and continued to walk. When he was behind you he talked to the man who was back to escort you. "I'm sorry miss but mr.Bieber is late for a lunch meeting so I'll be back in a second" you actually got a little bit pissed.

Yeah he is Justin Bieber but he is in no way so much more special then anyone else. He should wait to. If he is late he should take responsibility. You feel something on your foot and look down. "What the hell" you whisper. It was Justin's phone.

Since you couldn't go inside the building yet you did the only thing possible. "JUSTIN JUS-" you were cut off by him turning around with a pissed off expression on his face. He walked up to you "what do you want? A picture? I'm not taking one. I just want to enjoy my lunch meeting about an upcoming tour as. a normal. person. Okay?! I did not come here to talk with annoying fans"
(A/n, No offense to Jay. He's a sweet muffin and loves us)

"Euhm excuse you okay. You just dropped your fucking phone on my foot and all I wanted to do was give it back to you. As a normal. Person. Would. Do." You mocked him at the end.

"You have no right to just come up and scream at me okay? I can't get in the building yet and I've been waiting for" you looked down at your watch "15 minutes but you're more important so when you come in  instantly people run to help you. MY waiter is supposed to escort ME to my table, but he escorts you. You couldn't just wait for a minute could you? Can you please just run a long and let him come back when he is done with bringing you to your table" you sigh deep "My friend is waiting"

He took the phone out of your hand, his eyes wide in surprise "I wasn't-" you cut him off "Honestly Justin, save it. I don't need to hear it okay. Just go" he walked away dumbfounded. Your waiter came back and brought you to your table.

"What took you so long y/n?" Your friend asked. While you explained a waiter came. "Miss, Someone asked if you and your friend would like to join him?" You looked at your friend and mouthed 'Justin'

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