Please don't go

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Thank you SarahHalim0 for the idea (:

Your POV

2 months ago

"Justin p-please I am b-begging you don't do this, don't go, n-n-not now" he shook his head. "Y/n you know I can't stay nor after what you told me. I am to young to take care of a baby. I can't be a good dad." You silently sobbed uncontrollably. "DO YOU T-THINK I CAN TAKE C-CARE OF A FUCKING BABY" your voice cracked a few times while you yelled at him.

"FOR CHRIST SAKE JUSTIN I AM 19 AND YOU ARE 22 HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS" he looked at you with a bit guilt in his eyes.

After a few moments of silence you spoke up in a whisper "Did those 2 years that we were together even mean anything to you" you looked down. "D-d-o you even love m-me" you said.

Suddenly you felt his hand on your cheek. He lifted your head, and looked into your eyes "don't ever doubt my love for you y/n" you grabbed his hand and pulled it of your cheek.

"Then don't do this Justin, Please don't leave me" You a-always said you wanted to start a f-family at a young age." He looked at you with no emotion at all. "I k-know its unexpected but-" he cut you off "BUT FÛCKING NOTHING y/n I AM NOT STAYING WITH YOU. PERIOD."

He walked to the door and without looking at you he said in a normal tone " you can stay here, Fredo will pick up my stuff from here and you will hear from my lawyer about the child support" then he walked out and slammed the door shut without even taking a single glance at you.

You fell to your knees when reality hit you. Your boyfriend who you loved just broke up with you while you were pregnant with his baby. And the only thing you could do was drown in tears and self pity.


You're in your third month of pregnancy and you are supposed to find out the gender of the baby. It's been pretty hard on you, Justin's mom, Pattie had helped you trough the past months without Justin knowing she did. You're own mother, as cliche as it sounds disowned you after she found out her 19 year old daughter was pregnant.

The past few days you didn't feel good at all and had such bad cramps that sometimes you had to stay still otherwise you'll be screaming in pain.

The appointment for the echo was today and you were going alone. While putting on your clothes you felt like throwing up so you thought about the fact that you could experience morning sickness and ran to the bathroom. But once you started throwing up you threw up blood. While panicking on what to do once you were done you You started feeling light headed.

You didn't even get the chance to grab your phone or walk out of the bathroom. You just felt yourself hitting the ground and that's all it took, you felt nothing until darkness consumed you.

The next part will be up tonight (in my time zone at least) but I just left it like this to make it a bit more exciting for you guys to read ;)

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