Please don't go 2

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Narrators POV

While y/n laid unconscious on the bathroom floor, Pattie couldn't stand it anymore she lectured Justin for 3 hours long about what he had done to y/n. She reminded him about how his dad had left him while she was pregnant. And how long Justin took to forgive him. But it wasn't like Justin didn't regret it because as soon as he stepped out of their apartment he regretted every word he said and every thing he did.

He loved and still loves y/n with everything in him. And a baby shouldn't change that. With that thought he grabbed his phone and keys and drove to y/n as fast as he could.

Ones he got there he knocked on the door but little did he know that she would not open it, in fact, no one would. When he stood there for 10 minutes he realized she wouldn't open the door so he grabbed his key which he still had and open the door. He walked in and looked around everything was the same as the last time he was here which was three months ago.

"Y/n, are you here?" He shouted while he walked to the kitchen and saw her bag and keys on the table. So she was home he thought. He walked up the stairs to their bedroom and saw her phone on the bed. "Y/n?" He called out unsure if he would get a reaction. He saw that the door of the ensuite was cracked open a bit.

He walked to the ensuite and opened the door, but never in a million years did he imagine what he saw in front of him. His pregnant ex-girlfriend whom he still loves, unconscious on the floor and by the looks of it she threw up blood.

He got on his knees next to her, with tears in his eyes he grabbed his phone and dialed 911.
"911 what is your emergency please?" He gulped and spoke "my pregnant girlfriend is unconscious and she threw up blood" "Okay sir please stay calm, how long was she unconscious?" He answered "I don't know okay?! I just found her just just send someone"

"They are already on the way, now please sir, take a few deep breaths and calm down. You have to check her pulse and is she breathing?" The woman asked him. While crying slightly he grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse noticing she  was barely breathing and her pulse was  very weak. He told the woman what she wanted to know.

When the paramedics came he drove with him to the hospital  immediately nurses rushed her onto a bed and hooked her up on an IV. While they told Justin to wait in the waiting room he couldn't do anything but call his mom and just cry. But one thing was for sure, he would beg on his knees in front of thousands of people if it meant that she would be his again. The one thing Justin could do was pray, pray that she and the baby would be fine. So that's exactly what he did.

After a few hours a doctor came out "Justin Bieber?" Justin stood up and ran over to the doctor "is she alright what happened is the baby okay?" The doctor just looked at him and started talking. "I am so sorry for your loss" he said and Justin just didn't have it anymore. While trying to keep himself together he asked "do you know what caused the miscarriage" the doctor nodded and looked to a paper on his clipboard.

"It was caused by severe stress, anxiety and a lack of vitals" and that was the moment Justin knew that he had fucked up. But this time it was serious. "W-what, was the gender of the baby" Justin asked while trying to control his sobs "it was a boy"

Justin's POV

I wiped a few tears and asked him one more question "is she awake?" He nodded and said "she is but we didn't tell her anything so you can go in" i am full of sadness and regret. How could I do this. How could I do this me, but most importantly to y/n. And I know that whatever I have to do to make this right I will do it. And it might be impossible but I will take the challenge.

I walked into the room y/n was in and saw her laying on the bed. When she heard someone she looked up. "Justin?" She said confused. I just nodded sheepishly. "What are you doing here?" She asked.  I walked up to her and stood next to her bed. "I, Euhm I found you, unconscious on the bathroom floor." I said slowly.

But when she opened her mouth to say something I beat her to it "I need to say something first okay?" She nodded slowly with a questioning look on her face"


When Justin came in I was shocked but why the hell was he in my, well our, but for now my house. And what is so important for him to tell me that he couldn't wait to do it. "Y/n you had a miscarriage" he said. Breaking down completely , sinking to his knees he put his head on the hospital bed while he sobbed uncontrollably.

And you couldn't do anything but join the crying.

"H-how c-could " you said sobbing into your hands. "It was a lack of vitals and severe stress and anxiety" but he didn't understand what you said so you rephrased your question "No Justin HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME" he shook his head " I don't know OKAY?! But I do know that this is my fault and I am full of regret, every single part of me wants nothing more but to turn back time and tell you that it was okay. Because none of this would have happened if I just took my responsibility."

After 10 minutes of crying you calmed down a little bit and looked at Justin who was looking at you with red puffy eyes and you could see the emotion that his beautiful chocolate colored orbs held. "W-when you left me I broke down completely I don't know how long I've laid there, crying." You spoke in a silent tone "no y/n please don't" he grabbed your hand, and even though you shouldn't p, you held onto his hand with a death grip. Afraid he would leave you again.

"No, Justin you need to know this. I called my mom the next day and told her what happened, do you know what she did?" You asked and immediately answered the question yourself "she told me I was a slut and a disgrace to our family, she said that she never wants to see me again" you sniffed a bit and carefully sat up with Justin's help.

"I uhm I was really stressed because I needed to do paperwork for the baby and your lawyer was supposed to come by tomorrow so I needed to fix everything, I had a great lack of sleep, trying to figure out why you did what you did, trying to understand myself and some nights I was waiting for you to just call me or come by and say that it'll be alright but you never did Justin.-" you couldn't handle it anymore and started crying again.

Justin stood up next to you and bowed down grabbing your face in his hands, softly stroking your cheek with his thumb. He leaned down to your ear and mumbled "Listen babygirl I know you hate me right now, because I definitely detest myself at the moment and I am sorry, I am so sorry for what I did to you and our little boy" you were shocked and he chocked on his sobs, before you could say anything he nuzzled his face into your neck and continued talking.

"It was a boy, our baby boy. And because of me he isn't here anymore. And y/n I love you with everything in me. I am ready to beg on my knees for you, I'll do anything I can to be with you again, to make this right. And although you will never forgive me and I will never forgive myself for this I hope you can find the goodness in you to give me a chance to prove that I love you."

He hugged you, careful not to hurt you. He stroked your hair while you sobbed into his chest. "I can't do this right now Justin, I-I love you but I can't jump right back into a relationship with you. Take it slow and have patience with me okay? Just, just bare with me" he pulled out of the hug and looked into your eyes.

He pulled your face closer to his and placed his lips on yours, his lips moved with yours in complete sync and what felt like a few seconds were a few minutes before he pulled away and placed soft butterfly kissed on your neck. "I love you baby and nothing will change that, I have hurt you but I know that this isn't what I wanted and I will never put you trough this again. We are going to get trough it together and go at whatever pace you want. You what slow? Then we'll go slow because my love, I have my whole life to make you forgive me" you nodded and patted on the empty space of the hospital bed.

"Lay down please" you said softly. He shook his head "I don't want to hurt you babygirl" "you won't" he nodded and layer down, you put your head on his chest and your hand over his stomach and closed your eyes. While he played with your hair.

But before you fell asleep he kissed your head and heard him whisper "I love you and I am sorry y/n I am so sorry babygirl" you whispered an "it's okay" not sure if he heard you and fell into a peaceful slumber.


Not edited
Word count; 1749

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