There is no place like home

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this chapter may contain  sexual content, but that sexual part is NOT written by me,
credit goes to whoever wrote the 'dirty' part*

Your POV

It's been 6 months since the last time You saw Justin, and you miss him. He is still on tour but you couldn't go because your mother was really sick and she was admitted to the hospital at the time Justin left for tour. But he insisted on you staying with your mom.

You really miss him, he hadn't called you for a few days because he didn't have any time to do so. But you also were slightly pissed. Because while he claims he doesn't have any time to talk to you, he goes out with Post Malone and gets drunk in a club while singing 'deja vu'.

So you pick up your phone and call Justin, while the phone goes over you walk to your living room and sit down. "Yeah?" "Hey Jay it's me" "oh hey babe I didn't look at the caller ID I'm sorry" he chuckles "it's okay, how are you doing? We didn't talk for a few days I was a tad bit worried ya know?" "I'm sorry about that y/n it's just that I have been really busy and tired at night, and now that I have a week off I'm going to the studio to record some songs, and then I'll get drained and tired all over again, but I'll text you tonight alright babe?"

You actually were disappointed because he just lied to you over the phone, thinking you'd buy it but if he continued how could you just trust him. Of course you know he is not cheating on you, he wouldn't do that. But if he wants to go out he can just tell you and he doesn't has to pretend he is tired when in reality he is getting drunk.

So in a normal tone you continue the conversation and decide to confront him, "Justin are you like really tired, or do you think I am dumb?" You say almost in a whisper over the phone. "What do you mean babygirl?" "Jay you go out with your friends at night, you get drunk, you have fun while I am sitting here wondering what you're doing, and if you are alright because you tell me you'd call me so we can talk at night" you pause slightly before continuing.

"and I have to found out out about it, trough those motherfuckers called TMZ, when you could've just told me you were out and I'd be at peace and able to sleep. Even a text would be enough If you didn't want to talk" "y/n-" he began before he got cut off by a voice in the background. "Babe are you coming? Martijn is waiting with Cindy outside" "babe?, Justin please don't tell me you are" you couldn't even bring the word out of your mouth.

How ironic is it, that you just said you trust him to do anything but that. And now he's probably doing what the hell hes doing with that girl "No no no, y/n what you heard is not what you think, but I'll explain later I just- I have to go. I love you babygirl" and he hang up.

Well for so far talking to your boyfriend.


It's 3 days later now, he still didn't call you. He was photographed out with the same girls again, everyday these past 3 days. You're honestly starting to doubt him, although You shouldn't. This is an initial reaction when you don't see your boyfriend of almost 3 years for 6 months.

Suddenly you hear your phone chirp, indicating that you had a mention in a tweet. So when you opened twitter your mentions were flying in, but since you are Justin's girlfriend it's quite normal. But this time all they were saying was

"we're so sorry"


@justinbieber is a real douchebag for doing this to y/n
*picture attached*

@justinbieber is a real douchebag for doing this to y/n *picture attached*

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