Be Mine?

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Imagine, you met Justin when he was being robbed by a group of crazy fans. He turned the corner to lose them and he bumped in you. You guys talked and he asked your number. You where talking for almost a month and had 3 dates.

Your POV

You where watching a movie on Netflix when you heard your phone buzzing, you picked up your phone and read the message, it was Justin.

Hey (y/n) I missed you :) how are you doing? x

Hey Justin! We just spoke an hour ago -,-. And I'm doing great just watching a movie on Netflix. xx

xD,Well I want to take you somewhere but it's a surprise ;).

*whining voice* But Justin I hate surprises.

Haha, alright babygirl be ready at 7pm and dress casual. X

Okay see you tonight bye Justin :) xx

He didn't reply after that. Well it's 4pm now so that would give you 2 hours to get ready. You decided to take a shower so you walked to your room and took a robe out of your closet and a towel out of the cupboard next to the sink.

You stepped in the shower and washed your hair and body. You stepped out, dried yourself and putted the robe on. You blow dried your hair and walked back into your bedroom.

You picked up your phone to put on music but you had a text from Justin again.

Expect the unexpected babygirl ;)

You decided not to reply with only a hour and a half to prepare. You walked over to your vanity and took the straightener out of the drawer next to it. You plugged In  the straightener and started straightening your hair.

After 30 minutes you where done and started with your make up, you decided on keeping it simple since Justin said to dress casual. You did your foundation and concealer. For your eyes you applied waterproof mascara and a waterproof eyeliner.

You took some skin colored eyeshadow and applied a little bit of it on your eyelids. You decided to take a light lipstick and choose the l'oreal number 640 erotique . Then you walked in your closet mand searched for some high waisted jeans.
When you found it you also took a sleeveless turtleneck cropped top made out of a soft material so it actually was very comfortable.

You putted your clothes on and decided to pair them with some black timberlands. When you where done you heard the doorbell and walked to the door to open it. You saw Justin standing there with a bouquet of red roses.
"Hey (y/n) you look beautiful" handing over the roses "Come in Justin I will set those in vase, grab my purse and we're good to go" you said smiling. He nodded following you inside.

You two walked into the kitchen "Do you want to drink something?" You asked "Yes, can I get a glass of water?" You nodded pulling out a glass filling it with water and handing it over. When the roses where settled in the Vase, Justin was done with his water.

He walked over and grabbed your hands gently pulling you into a hug. He leaned in and whispered "I waited to long to have you in my arms now I can give you a proper hug, you had too much stuff in your hands to hug back properly baby" he wrapped his arms around your waist and you nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck.

You blushed and he kissed your cheek. "Now get your purse (y/n) we have to go" he said in a goofy voice making you giggle and nod.  Justin walked back and waited in the hallway while you picked up your purse from your bed.  You putted your phone in the back pocket of your jeans and walked to Justin who opend the door for you.

You thanked him and walked out he closed the door and you locked it. "So which car did you brought today?"
He smirked "My blue Lamborghini" I shook my head and laughed "You love that car huh?" He nodded with a cute smile.

He opend the door for me and walked around to step in too. He started the car and we took off.
We where driving and singing to songs on the radio. "Did I tell you that you look stunning today?" You blushed and looked down. "Yes and thank you"

You didn't notice that he already parked the car. You where still blushing from his compliment. He looked at you and shook his head smiling. He stepped out of the car and opend the door for you again. He held out his hand and you took it stepping out of the car. You noticed that you guys where on a hill.

"Come on its this way" Justin said still holding your hand. You walked with him for five minutes and then came to an little field with a great view. You noticed a blanket and you guys walked over there.

Justin sat down and you sat down next to him he had prepared all kids of fruit and sweets. He picked up a chocolate covered strawberry "Open your mouth " you opend your mouth and he began feeding you fruit you did the same to him.

You where laughing and talking with him for 2 hours. It became dark and cold. You cuddled closer into Justin and he noticed your goosebumps. "Here take this" he said taking of his jacket giving  it to you. "But-" you said "No you take it baby I know you're cold and I'm not." He putted his arms around your waist and seated you on his lap.

You where feeling tingly inside when his large hand covered your small one. You leaned your head on his chest and looked up to the stars in the moonlight. Suddenly Justin lanes down to your ear and began to sing I a hush tone, almost whispering.

I always knew you were the best
The coolest girl I know
So prettier than all the rest
The star of my show
So many times I wished
You'd be the one for me
But never knew you'd get like this
Girl what you do to me

He putted his arms around you and hugged you tight to his chest.

You're who I'm thinking of
Girl you ain't my runner up
And no matter what you're always number one

My prize possession
One and only
Adore ya girl I want ya
The one I can't live without
That's you that's you
You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you
My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

A few tears slides down your cheek as you where smiling hard. He touched your cheek with his hand and gently turned your head so you where facing him. "My favorite girl" he whispered softly before leaning in. Suddenly you feel a pair of soft lips gently kissing you.

You kissed back and felt those fireworks inside of you, the ones that are always being mentioned in Fanfictions and love story's. He pulled away and grinned then he asks you 2 things.

"(Y/n) will you be mine?" He asked "Yes I would love that" you said nodding. "Did you like the song?" You nodded again because it reminded you of Kidrauhl. You where so lucky there are a million girls after him and he choose you to be his girlfriend. Then t suddenly hits you. You are not good enough for him.

There are so many girls better looking the you. It's just a matter of time before he realizes that. Justin noticed you frowning "What's wrong princess" he asked worried "Justin why me? There are so many girls better looking than me"

"Baby that doesn't matter to me you are beautiful and I'm happy around you. I love hearing you talk and hearing that adorable giggle of yours" he took a deep breath "I love you not them"
"Y-you love me?" He nodded

"I love you too" you said he flashed a cute smile and kissed you again licking your bottom lip asking for entrance. You parted your mouth letting his tongue slide in. You pulled at his hair gently as he rubbed your thighs.

There you where making out under the moonlight with your boyfriend Justin Bieber

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