Chapter 20

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Another 10 years later

The twins Lilly and Billy(idek) are now nine, and Jack is more famous than Kanye West. He got mobs of people following him places everywhere he went, and we barely got to go out in public any longer.

Over the years Jack and I have had some arguments, but we have ultimately gotten over them. I havent thought about Michael since I was 18, which was 20 years ago.

Jack has always kept me happy, and every night before bed he asks me about my day. He truly cares about me. His hair is still a curly mess like it was 20 years ago. 

I had gotten to be best friends with Jack's sisters, and they all looked up to me. I then remembered that Jack and I had a flight to Ohio tomorrow. We were going to go surprise Chance and Anthony, and we could also surprise my parents.

Today was the second day of summer vacation, and the twins were going to come out and about with us. Jack and the boys had gotten their own stars on the Hollywood walk of fame. I was proud of Jack, because he 'started from the bottom and now he is here'. (Im sorry i just had to).

The twins and I headed out of the house, followed by Jack. I hopped into the drivers seat, and started to play the radio. Jack was sitting in the passengers seat, and he put his hand on my thigh. He always did this when we sat next to each other, so I didn't mind.

We hopped out of the car, and I locked it behind us. We were going to spend the day at the grove together as a family. Jack grabbed my hand, and intertwined our fingers like he used to.

Jack had been wanting to go into the newest store 'Nordstrom'(IM NOT CREATIVE OK PRETEND IT DOESNT EXISTT😂). Lily and Billy were getting hungry, so I told Jack to go ahead inside, and to meet us at the food court when he was done. He came over to me and agreed, but only on one condition. I gave him a kiss first. I leaned in, and Jack did the same. We kissed for a good 10 seconds and we broke apart.

I walked towards the food courts and jack towards Nordstrom. I told the kids to go find a table, and so they walked over to the seating area and chose a table while I stood in line.

While in line i felt two hands grab mine from behind, and I assumed it was Jack, but when I turned around it wasn't him.

Man: remember me?
Me: no, and get the hell off of me. I tried to get loose of his grip, but he was stronger than me.
Man: you really dont remember all of those years? What a shame. You know. I never did get what I wanted with you.

It clicked. It was Michael. His grip became tighter and I tried getting loose. I started screaming, but he put his hand over my mouth. I was trying to cause a scene in hopes someone would help me but nobody did.

Michael: i know honey. the dentist is not your favorite place to go. You dont need to cause a scene.

His grip became unbearably tighter and Billy walked up to me.

Billy: get off of mommy!

Michael kicked Billy, which made him fall to the ground. Nobody and I mean nobody messes with my babies.

I kneed michael in the balls and he fell to the ground. I ran over to Billy and picked him up. Jack came running over to Michael.

Jack: you piece of shit how dare you touch my wife and kids like that.
Michael: oh you're dead now.

Michael threw a punch at Jack and I called the police. Jack was dodging him as well as he could, because he didn't want to fight in front of the twins.

The police showed up, and Michael tried to run. Jack grabbed his arms and pinned him to the ground. They came over and took Michael away. They took him to their car and drove off.

Jack rushed over to me and the kids.

Jack: are you okay?

he asked both me and Billy at the same time.

Billy: my arm hurts but I will be okay. Who was that mean man?

Me: hes a very mean man who tried to take mommy away from daddy and you two.

I pointed at the twins.

Lilly: mom. are you sure you are okay? Your wrists are bruising.

Lilly was always a smart kid, and she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up. She was already taking 7th grade classes at 9 years old.

She carefully picked up my wrist and examined it.

Lilly: we will need to ice it. when we get back home we need to wrap it. billy, your wrist just needs to be iced a bit. when were done we can get icecream right mom?

Me: of course.

I started walking when i felt warm hands wrap around my waist. i jumped a bit considering what happened earlier. I could tell it was jack, because of the scent of his cologne.

I stood there in the middle of the parking lot enveloped in jack's arms. I ended up living a happy life, and a good one. Jack and I stayed happily married. The twins grew up to be famous doctor's together.

They even started their own doctor's office. Jack and I retired together at age 63. My mother and father lived to see their own grandchildren, and also see them graduate college.

Zach ended up marrying Callie, whom I had become friends with, and Corbyn married Christina. Daniel married Lillian, Jonah married some girl named Sydney.

We all lived our lives, happier than ever. At age 18 i found my one and only true love, whom I would marry, share a family with, and grown old with. Jack and I lived to see Lilly and Billy's children, our grandchildren. My life couldn't have gone any better. And I owe it all to one person. Jack Avery.

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