Chapter 10

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(Im literally shook. 800 views almost 900)

I woke up, and as usual turned on my phone. I had a text from Daniel.

Danny boi: hey. im taking you up on your offer. when do you think is the right time to kiss her?

Me: well, on my first date with jack, we had our first kiss, but that was only because we really connected before out first date. I would wait a little longer, go on more dates, and when the time feels right, lean in and kiss her.

Danny boi: thank you. WAIT YOU GUYS WENT ON A DATEEE

Me: yeah

Danny boi: anddd

Me: its official

Danny boi: dude

Me: what

Danny boi: I have to go tell everybody

Me: whatever

Danny boi: See you

Me: bye

I got off my phone and I couldn't help but smile. Jack Avery was mine. He was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend. I went to my bathroom and took a shower, washing my hair, and then shaving. I got dressed into my pink romper, which I loved.

I opened my door, only to find Mark, Logan, Jonannes, George and beautiful brunette in the living room. George had his camera out filming and he turned to me. He put a finger up to his mouth, telling me to be quiet. The brunette walked up to me and started talking.

Brunette: Hi, Im Amanda, Amanda Cerny.

Me: Hello Amanda. Im Allison, but you can call me Allie.

Amanda: We aren't filming yet, so you can really do whatever you want until then.

Me: oh ok

Me to Logan: Hey brother Logan.

Logan: what

Me: im going to spend the day at the Why Don't we House, and Im taking your megaphone with me.

Logan: ok be back by 1.

Me: Im coming back at 1 a.m just because you didn't specify.

I picked up my purse, my keys, and Logan's megaphone and walked out the door. I got into my car, and before starting it, i texted Jack.

Me: hey Jack im coming over today. See you in 15💕

Jack💕: okay see you soon.

Me: what no heart emoji

Jack💕: im not cliche like everyone else. See you soon Al.

Me: Bye jack

Jack💕: bye. also, give me a nickname. ive got al for you, and you just call me jack. I want to feel special

Me: Whatever jackk

Jack💕: that doesnt count

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