Chapter 13

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STILL JACK'S POV(allison's pov would be boring af😂)

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. It was Jonah.

Jonah: dude wake up. We have to go to the meeting

I groaned and rolled out of bed. i got showered, got dressed, and brushed my teeth in under 30 minutes.
I was pretty proud of myself, because I usually take an hour.

You're probably laughing, or judging me. Hey, the curls take time. Anyways, I turned on my phone and texted Allison.

Me: hey babe. ive got a meeting, and then at 4 weve got rehersals. call you later. ❤️

I didn't expect her to respond, because it was 7am. But she did.

Al: hey cupcake. moms got work today, and she made me go with her fmllll🤦🏼‍♀️

Me: haha. Call you later baby.

Al: bye cupcake.

I laughed. She will always call me that, and its guaranteed she does. I then went into the kitchen, and ate some pancakes that Daniel most likely made. I ate rather quickly, because I had skipped dinner last night.

Mike: come on guys. ubers here.

We all filed out of the door, and into the elevator. i smiled at zach, because I could tell he was hating the elevator ride. We got to the ground floor, and got into the uber.

We ubered to the venue, and went into the meeting room.

Skip the meeting bc im lazy af

After the meeting we went to the stage, and scoped out our surroundings. The venue was huge, and it probably sat 3,382 people. Why 3,382, because Im not normal. (😂).

I then pulled out my phone and started snapchatting the venue. I got a text from allison.

Al❤️: can you talk?

I called her and she picked up after the first ring.

Me: Whats wrong?
A: im missing you like crazy. i cant function.
Me: really?
A: yeah. i cant think straight, and Ive been running into things.
Me: are you sure you are not just going crazy or something.
A: jack im serious.
Me: Are you okay?
A: no jack I honestly cant think straight
Me: go to a doctor. please
A: no i feel fine. i just cant like do anything right.
Me: just lay down. take a nap. allison you are making me worry. please.
A: i will try. i miss you jack.
Me: i miss you too.

(Sorry this chapter was short. It was kinda a filler chapter while I think of new ideas)

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