Chapter 17

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I woke up to the sound of the fire alarm. I shot up off the hard ground, and realized I had slept on the roof with Erika and Tessa. I woke them up, and we got down the ladder. We walked down the hallway, and there was hella smoke coming from Chance and Anthony's room.

I saw jake had his vlog camera out, filming it.
Me: jake you are an idiot

He turned the camera to face me while Anthony threw one of the Martinez twins at the fire trying to put it out. Luckily, when they landed on the ground they didnt catch fire.

The fire was growing now. It was getting out of hand. I ran downstairs, grabbed a fire extinguisher and a pitcher full of water. I dumped the water and started to extinguish it. The flames were gone completely.

When I finished I threw the extinguisher at Jake. It hit him in the back. I then walked down the stairs to Erika and Tessa. They were on the couch, on the phones, so I got my phone out too.

I started to text Jack.

Me: hey cupcake. do you want to go out tonight? there's a carnival in town that I want you to take me to.

He texted back immediately.

cupcake❤️💍: of course. carnival sounds fun. what time?
Me: 6 or 7. Theres also supposed to be some fireworks later.
cupcake❤️💍: okay see you then. i love you
Me: i love you too
cupcake❤️💍: corbyn just got here
Me: alright. well im on my way back to my apartment if you want to meet me there.

I put my phone down and announced I was leaving. I gave hugs to everyone, and then I left. I drove to my apartment. I got inside, only to be greeted by Daniel, Jonah, and Zach.
Me: why are you not at your place?
Daniel: we wanted to surprise jack
Me: what for?
Zach: Its-
Me: uh. no it isnt. today is logans 23rd birthday.
Jonah: ah frick
Daniel: man dudes we fucked up
Me: you guys are a bunch of idiots.

Logan then walked in, a sweaty mess. He mustve come from the gym.

Me: happy 23rd old man
Logan: thank you baby sister
Me: cant you just come up with a better nickname for me?
Logan: i have no creative abilities.
Me: that is true. that is true

The boys told Logan happy birthday and gave him hugs. Jack then walked in the apartment.

Jack: why are you guys here?
Daniel: we got hungry
Jonah: she goes grocery shopping
Zach: and we dont
Me: so thats why you are here
Daniel: pretty much

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Jack. I gave him a tight hug and he whispered in my ear.

Jack: are you ready to go?
Me: no. i need to get dressed
Jack: alright. love you
Me: i love you too.

I then went into my room and put on a romper Tessa had given me. She also gave me a bunch of other clothes that dont fit her anymore. I brushed my teeth and hair. I put my hair in a bun.

I then went out of my room and into the living room. I put my hand out and Jack grabbed it. He intertwined our fingers and we walked out. I got into the car and Jack said he was going to drive. I decided to turn on the radio. We listened to music all the way there and when we got there we got out of the car.

We walked to the admission booth to get our tickets hand in hand. When we got inside the park I realized I hadn't eaten all day.

Me: can we stop and get something to eat?
Jack: of course

We walked to a restaurant, got our food, and ate. We finished eating and we went to one of the rollercoasters. We rode rides together until it got dark. We decided to stop and get icecream. I then thought it would he a good idea to take an instagram picture.


liked by seaveydaniel, corbynbesson, and 862 othersAllisonpaul ive got no idea what I would do without you💕

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liked by seaveydaniel, corbynbesson, and 862 others
Allisonpaul ive got no idea what I would do without you💕. @jackaverymusic

we then finished our icecream and headed to the front of the carnival, where the fireworks were supposed to be.


Im going to do it tonight. Im going to propose to Allison. Ive had the ring for three days now, and i have been waiting for the right moment.

We got to the fireworks and they were beautiful. There were blue ones, purple ones, white ones, and gold ones. The show was about to end and I hadnt proposed. Im just so damn nervous. What if she says no? What if she laughs at me?

Screw it. Im going to do it. I took a deep breath, and kneeled down. She turned around.

CLIFFHANGER❤️ i love you babes

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