Chapter 5

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I woke up to a text from a random number. I had forgotten that I gave my number to Jack yesterday.

(213)864-2041: Hey
Al: Who is this?
(213)864-2041: Oh yeah sorry, its Jack
Al: Oh okay
Jackk: What are you doing today?
Al: Oh I'm just hanging around Logan's place. He is in Louisiana for Logan Paul VS.
Jackk: Why the extra K?
Al: idk
Jackk: Do you want to come to our place today?
Al: Yeah sure. What time?
Jackk: Whenever. If you want, come early so we can prank the others. They're still asleep
Al: Im for sure coming early then
Jackk: See you.
Al: bye!
Jackk: bye
read at 9:02 a.m

I got up off the couch, went into my room, and hopped into the shower. I washed my hair, and my body, then shaved. I got out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, and got clothes out of my closet. I put on my white high top converse shoes, black high waisted jeans, and a purple shirt with the words(smile) written on it in white lettering. I brushed my hair, and put it into a messy bun. I put on a bit of water proof mascara. They have got a pool, and I don't trust them not to push me in. I packed my swimsuit, just in case we went swimming, and a change of clothes. I grabbed my key, and my phone, and walked out the door. I got into Logan's car he had left for me to drive, and blasted Why Don't We's new song "Taking You" and drove to their place. When I got there, I knocked on the door and Jack opened the door smiling at me. God. That smile. He led me inside and told me to put my stuff in the living room. I set my stuff down, and only then did I notice the buckets of water and bags of flour on the countertop. Jack and I then devised a plan to prank the boys, and jack grabbed the water as i grabbed the flour. We went to Daniel and Jonah's room, Jack walked in and i stood outside the door off to the side so they wouldnt see me. He dumped the water on them and ran out the door. They ran after him as i dumped the flour on them. They stopped and ran after me saying, "bring it in" and "give me a hug Allison" they caught up to me and hugged me, getting my clothes dirty. Jack came back and laughed hysterically at me and my dirty clothes. I slapped his arm because his plan all along was to get my clothes dirty. He pranked me. Corbyn and Zach came out of their rooms and asked what was going on. They saw me and laughed. I asked where the shower was and Jack led me to his room and to the shower. Once in the shower, I noticed that I forgot my clothes downstairs in my bag. I groaned and wrapped myself in a towel, careful to make sure that nothing was showing. I went out of the bathroom, and crept down the steps. They were all in the Kitchen when I got down. They were all staring at me, besides Corbyn. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my bag. I headed back to Jacks room, into the bathroom and put on my change of clothes. I walked back downstairs and plopped onto the couch. Jack sat next to me, and I rested my head on his shoulder. Corbyn walked in, and turned the television on, and went to netflix. We watched movies until it was lunch time. Jonah ordered pizza. We all ate and went back to the living room. Daniel and Jonah wanted to watch a scary movies, my lest favorite type of movies. Everyone agreed, and we watched a movie. During all the scary parts, i just rested my head on jack's chest.

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