Worst Fear

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Setting: the great hall...

     I take my usual isolated seat at the end of the Slytherin table and start grabbing food from in front of me as Draco enters with Pansy all over him. I don't even glance at him as they pass by; out of the corner of my eye I notice the sling around his arm, he's still milking this I see.

"Does it hurt terribly Draco?" I hear Pansy coo

"It comes and it goes," I hear him tell her, "still, I consider myself lucky; according to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two, and I could a lost my arm..."

"..." is he seriously feeding people that rubbish? It was a bloody scratch

"He's been sighted! he's been sighted!" None other than shamus Finnegan come in yelling with a copy of the daily prophet

"Who?!" Ron asks

"Sirius Black!" Finnegan says as she slaps the paper down on the Gryfindor table

     I silently watch as Sigrid and Romula's heads snap in Finnegan's direction at the dropping of the name...shamus you idiot, I think exploded one too many things...

"Dufftown," I hear Hermione exclaim, "that's not far from here."

"Y-you don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville asks nervously

"With dementors at every entrance?" Someone else says

"Dementor?" Shamus asks, "he's already spill past them once hasn't he? Who's to say he won't do it again?"

"That's right," another boy says, "Black could be anywhere, its like trying to catch smoke; trying to catch smoke with your bare hands."

     I notice Harry go into a sort of trance as he stares down at the paper and I feel the panic washing over him; I then notice Sigrid get up and storm over...oh this can't be good.

"Hey!" They snap as she rips the paper away from them

"Can't you see your freaking Potter out," she snaps in a loud whisper-almost a growl-at the lot of them

     The lot falls silent as they stare at Harry, I hear a mumble of apologies as I watch Sigrid storm back to her seat and just watch her stare down at the front page. Romula gently rubs her back and whispers things to her as I notice the silent tears slipping down Sigrid's face. I sigh heavily to myself as I stand and head for my next class: DADA; I hope if I get there before everyone, I can speak with Professor Lupin about our supposed personal relationship with one another...I haven't mentioned it to Harry because of the fact Sigrid told me his is her father and he clearly doesn't know so...

"Jemima!" Someone calls me from behind, "wait up!"

"..." I slow my brisk walk, down to normal pace and wait for them to catch up

"You've heard Black's out to get me right?" Harry asks

"Are we talking as brother and sister or as confidential secret keeper?" I ask

"As Harry and Jemima," he says as we walk

"Well, I can't say who from," I tell him, "but, yes; I have heard that."

"Don't suppose you heard the conversation back there?" He asks

"Oh I heard," I say, "I'm very observant brother dear," I whisper the last part, "as well as very exceptional at keeping my mouth shut."

"..." we're both silent for a moment after that as we walk to DADA

"You..." he starts, "y-you'd tell me if there was anything going one between you and Malfoy right?"

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