The Boy & The Zoo

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Setting: a few months later...

     I've been living in the zoos lions den for a while now and haven't gotten caught yet; during the day, I walk around looking at the exhibits. Sometimes I sit and read my book in the sunlight and as it gets late in the day, I return to the loin cave. They've become my family, the lionesses treat me like their cubs and even let me play with their cubs too; they surround me protectively as I sleep, and even tempt to share their raw meat with me. I even read to them from my book sometimes, not that they understand what I'm saying...or reading. In fact, that's what I was doing when screams started to break out from the reptile house.

     Putting my book down on the cave floor, I move the heavy cub off of my lap and herdily hope the fence to see what's going on. I've had so much practice doing it from how long I've been here, that it's easy for me now; as everyone runs away from the reptile house, I run towards it. I see a very large snake slither past me and out the way I came from, my eyes go wide in surprise, but I shake it off and look towards the direction it came from. I see a boy on the floor starring up at a short, fat man whom looks very pissed. While a skinny woman with a hoarse face is next to him having a panic attack and screaming at the sight of a rather fat and ugly looking boy (I assume her son) screaming and panicking inside closed snake exhibit.

   I roll my eyes as I walk over to them thinking only that the stupid fat lummox probably did something to deserve whatever happened to him. Ignoring the looks of the fat man as he notices me approaching, I stare at the boy on the floor with my hazel eye and extend a helping hand out to him as he stares back at me with his bright green eyes in confusion through his large circular glasses. His black mop of hair slightly disheveled, but not by much; he takes my hand and I help pull him up as his eyes never leave my eye and eyepatch. I don't know this boy; never seen him before in my life, and yet...I feel some strange connection to him. After he's up and a moment of staring at each other, I pull my hand away...

"Thank..." the boy says as he stares at me still

     I nod once in acknowledgment and turn my gaze back to the fat man and his skinny broad of a wife; I don't know them either, but something about them doesn't sit right with me. I don't know why, I feel protective of this boy and find myself glaring at the lot of them. When the woman finally sees me, her face grows paler than it already was; as if she's seen a ghost or something. I wanted to take the boy by his wrist and run back to the lion exhibit with him, but I couldn't, too risky for my sake; so I didn't. Instead I made a low growling noise like a guard dog as I glared at them; the pair of them look taken aback and start stepping backwards from me and the boy out of fright that I might bite them or something.

     As I slowly advance towards them, I hear zoo workers coming and catch a glimpse of the fat boy coming out from the behind a door. I turn and quickly hightail it away before the zoo worker can see me; I stop at the doors of the reptile house only to glance one more time back at the boy. I find the lot of them staring back at me, I smirk at the boy and run out the doors and back towards the lion exhibit. I hope I see that boy again...I think as I stare down at the hand I used to help pull him up. His touch seemed to warm and friendly especially compared to that of Mr. Wibble...I curl up into the warm fuzzy fur of the lions and lionesses, drape my blanky over me, snuggle my bunny to my chest, and start reading the book again as the cubs snuggle up to me.
(Harry's p.o.v.)

After the snake got out and thanked me (literally) everyone started running and screaming, aunt Petunia screamed at the sight of Dudley trapped in the snake exhibit. Uncle Vernon glared at me, killing my happy mood and then this auburn haired girl came out of nowhere. I couldn't help staring at her as she helped me up, she was covered in dirt and I think fur as well as scars and bruises; she had and eyepatch over her left eye and the right was hazel. Her hair was far more disheveled than mine, but her smile was warm and friendly towards me. I thanked her, but she didn't say a word, only nodded before she turned around and quietly literally started growling at uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia.

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